OK goat people- bottle baby nubian SOLD !!!!

I am going to sell him as soon as he is eating fairly well. He seems to be doing pretty good without siblings or parents. My dog like to herd his little butt around. Some of his own medicine I guess.

I gotta tell ya, he is cute, but he is a PEST.
Oh, forgive me for laughing!
The truth is, some of us loove nubie babies and some just don't. We have been bottle feeding four, yes 4, for two months now. We couldn't be happier.
We love our nubies and tho you have no doubt had many offers, we will take your baby any time. Even on the bottle, if only to relieve your stress level.

By the way, you sound just like me. I get so exasperated with our goats that I frequently yell at them to stop acting like animals and my husband laughs at me. (to DH who will read this
But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Hang in there. You can do it!
When mine ate alfalfa pellets it almost killed him. I feed cracked corn when they are old enough and grass hay in the winter. None in the spring or summer..
Hope your baby gets through it. They do look healthy enough..
I have a doe Nubian due in about 4 weeks..a baby will be for sale and not the other..just having fun with it because I have several goats..
Yep Tina was right, I read her post. We have four bottle baby nubians right now and they all respond to their names and the general call of (hollered loudly) "Goat Boooooys" We do have an advantage though and they spend their time with 18 other goats about their size and one young Holstein steer. The other goats teach them to be pushy and greedy, so along with obnoxious and noisy (which is natural for a Nubi) these guys are getting well rounded. Did I say I planted peach and apple trees this year? Goats really like leaves... If we needed a new stud, I would really consider yours though. His colors are great. I let Tina worrie with the less important stuff, like the ancestral udders and such. We are down to one bottle a day and about 3 pounds of 16% sweet feed and another pound of 12% sweet mix, and all the grass they can eat, but it is all stop when the bottles come out!

The first piece of advice I'd offer is to ditch the real baby bottles, go grab one of the 'taller' 24oz Pepsi products (for the bottle), and order a few of these. They work great, and at 24oz, you don't have to feed two bottles at a time.

Second...if you're feeding powdered milk replacer and he's still alive, you're lucky. I haven't known many people to have much luck with powder. Typically, they scour and die pretty quick. I don't even know how they get away with selling that stuff.

Third...I just gotta say, that's probably one of the prettiest Nubian bucks I've ever seen. I'd be tickled pink to put him in my herd.

Oh well...one man's trash, right?

switching teats at this stage, he may or may not cope with. lot of the time they are trained to their teat and will not be happy with the different teat. but he may or may not be greedy enough to accept the teat change

I have done both - started with baby bottles for fussy suckers, then switched to a pop bottle and teat (I prefer the screw on Excal Topper, they cant pull it off and get milk everywhere like those push on black ones); but I've also had ones that refused to give up their baby teat, so I just took them two bottles each feeding


I really cant understand the hysteria about milk replacer ... since I've raised literally hundreds of babies on replacer alone, I must be one lucky lucky girl ...


Gotta agree with you there, he's a bit stunning! I'd be breaking him into pack and harness, if he was mine. He's got the temperament for it, and the flashy colour, and being a nuby will get big enough also.
The wife has taken over the afternoon feedings. I still feed a bottle in the morning.

She is doing 2, once in the afternoon and once at bedtime.

He is doing sooooo much better. He is really calming down.

I darn near ran over him today. Yep, the old, I get in the truck and he gets under it. I was very distracted (doing the fencing for the cows today) and when i took off there the little turd was !!!

Lucky him I have a truck that is 4 wheel drive and fairly high off the ground. Geezz, I would hate to run the turd over after all this and plus the wife is getting attached.

He is getting close to going down the road. I will let ya all know.
Rimshoes, it could be worse. My Nubian, Newton, was my first goat. I was a city girl from Southern California, but now I'm up in the country in Northern California and never imagined I'd have goats and sheep. Newton was a handful too, but I didn't know any better, so I guess I'm lucky I was trained by the most difficult.




But, by the time I got my second goat, I was more realistic about the fact that a goat is a barnyard animal:

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