Ok guys wht breed are my boys? And can i show them?

I was thinking Birchen Marans on the first guy... and Splash Orpington (or Marans) on the second. I would go with Orp first, personally. I have no experience with showing and can't really tell show quality birds, but I think they are both beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Mutt chickens are like mutt dogs,I would not own one. My daughter has a mutt dog that is better than any registered dog I have owned, but would not trade my Great Dane for it.
Those are both uncommon enough that I think someone who acquired one would have an idea of what they were getting.

They look like mixed breed birds to me. Not showable, but fun to have anyway.
If they were Orps, wouldn't they have pink legs? Maybe they're Orps mixes. The splash guy looks alot like an Orp bodywise, but his leg color is throwing me off. What color is their skin- is it dark like their legs?
Ruby, I would like for you to think about this very carefully. You would like to show, yet you have obtained chickens from somewhere that you don't even know what breed or if they are even purebred. There is a conclusion that you should be reaching if you think this through.
lol guys
showing them was an idea because they are so beautiful. they were purchased off a breeder for five pounds as chicks. says alot i know. just wondering on the breed if any. i would like to know. but dont really care just curious. they do their job looking after their girls. i may take them to a show and put them in a 'mutt' class for abit of fun. the splash has pink skin btw.

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