Ok, here we go again.

She feels light to me, but looks pretty large for a chicken. She has been puffing up, but I am thinking it is because it is cold here. Today was warmer than normal with a temp of 35 for a high.

Some vets will do a fecal test for worms and coccidia for a small fee.
Where can I find worming medacine for a chicken? Do they have it at the local Agway store......
Sorry if it sounds dumb. I have not had pets in over a dozen years and the answer always came from a vet. Do I call a vet to get it?

I find it strange though that the other chicken died mysteriously, and now this one is acting sick. It has been a couple of months though, since the last one died.
Very good links. I am saving them for future reference. It doesn't seem like any of them apply though. The girls have gone to bed, so I will do a check in the morning to see how she is doing.
Thanks everyone for trying to help. I feel like a failure. Maybe having chickens was not meant to be for me. Argh
Don't feel bad! You are doing the best you can, and chickens can be tricky creatures. What seems to be a healthy bird one day can go drastically downhill the next. Don't blame yourself!
It's almost 2 am and I went out with a flashlight to check on the girls. The BR is awake and hanging out by the sick hen who got down off her perch during the night. She's sleeping on the floor with her head tucked in under her wing. She has never done that before. I am fearing the worst.
I'll go out and check again at 3 am when I go to turn on the lights.
I went out at 3 am to turn on the lights and she got up and got a drink of water. The other hen has been staying by her side.
I have decided to take her to a vet today. Since I am so new at this and have no experience with chickens, I decided that I am not going to sit here and try to guess what is wrong. I will have a vet examine her. I don't want to lose another hen due to my ignorance of them. I collected a poop sample to bring with me. I know it's hers, because it was right under her butt when she got up. I'm sure they will want one to check for worms.
I have no pet carrier, but I think a cardboard box will work. It may keep her calm too.
Wish me luck. I will post later when I get back from the vet.

I brought my hen to the vet this morning and they had a look at her. They could not find anything physically wrong with her. There were no signs of any lice, mites, or parasites. They did agree that the behavior I told them about, was that of a sick hen, so they were a bit puzzled.
The only thing the vet could see was that my girl was a bit underweight, and they said it could be a virus making her feel under the weather. The small stye on her is nothing to worry about.
They gave me some worming medacine to give them to be on the safe side even though there was nothing found in the poo sample.
My hen seems to be acting a lot better at this point, but when I saw her on the floor of the coop this morning, my heart sank.
The vet asked me to call them tomorrow and let them know how she is doing.

On a good note, the vet says I am doing a great job with the girls.

I am hoping this is a happy ending

Anyone know how I can fatten up the girls? Right now, they get layer mix and scratch with lots of BOSS. They have oyster shell mixed with their food. They also get daily treats when I go out to clean things up and change their water.
I have been following your thread....hope your girl is better soon!

My chickens love eggs....scrambled or boiled (then mashed up), cooked oatmeal (not instant), yogurt, apple sauce, can tuna and also small amounts of can cat food.
and blueberries & strawberries are their FAVORITE!

Not sure if any of those would help put weight on her but protein is always good for them!

Good luck and keep us posted!

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