OK...here's the post - DD put in her Warrant Officer packet

Yay! Thanks for reposting about it. Good for her! She sounds like someone who thrives on responsibility, so she won't regret this decision. Deployments are hard, but having done one, you all know what to expect, which is half the battle (the rest is praying and worrying). I'm glad her CO recognized her abilities and talked to her.
I don't have kids, but I really loved college as well.
I agree with your DD-I got to take some really interesting classes and learn some of the most fascinating things!
She sounds like an awesome kid-you did well by her.
That's fantastic! Her commanding officer must think VERY highly of her to recommend her. Congratulations to your daughter, and to her parents, who obviously did an exemplary job of raising her!

My husband has an old Navy buddy who went through the Warrant Officer program, finished college on the USN's tab (also an intelligence analyst), then retired as an officer. He's making all kinds of money as a private contractor to the DoD, now.
congras to your DD. She will not regrat what she is doing. In the Navy the only one who gets more respect than the Chief is the WO. Cause everyone knows they were enlisted once. Give her a big hug and tell her she will be in our prayers.
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Sounds like she's kicking bum and taking names. And congrats on the wedding too.

I do have one question, no clue about... I know men aren't given auto time off if their spouse is having a baby but what about females? I know from experience just how "effective" multiple forms of BC can be... see pics of DS... I doubt she'd plan to throw a wrench in things, given how awesome her career is going, but wrenches fall from the sky all the time. Does she have any plan in place should that happen? Not that I expect an answer to such a personal thing... but might be something for her (and other half) to think on. If you've already got a plan thought out, researched, etc it can be easier than spur of the moment + emotions + hormones.

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