Boy, she sure blew it this time but I'm sure her 'gut' feelings saved some dogs in the past.

Many, many, many moons ago (like almost 25 yrs. ago) I bred show dogs for a very short time (I had two litters). One of the things I looked for in prospective owners was that they asked good, researched questions. If someone has taken the time to educate themselves, as you have, I'd consider that a great quality. I'd certainly go to the next step and check them out.

In my opinion (not that it's worth anything), you would have been one of the first people I followed through on.

I have heard more and more recently that placement agencies are asking more and more personal questions of potential pet owners. There is both good and bad in that. Adopting out pets can be taken to the extreme on both sides.
Yes I did know that. Unfortunately neither of my dogs are purebreeds...Someone told me to try and pass them off as purebreds but I would crack under the pressure... lol
We have run into issues like this when we have checked into rescue dogs. That's why we don't adopt from rescues.
We even tried to adopt a dog through the Humane Society here (not associated with the HSA) and even though we had no dogs at the time, and had a fenced privacy yard, they called some people that had adopted 3 other dogs through them and had them come get the dog. It really upset us. We had the only application (I had a friend that worked there) and visited every day. Not to mention that the city limit here is 3 dogs.

A lot of the people that we have run into with the so-called rescues and shelters are basically animal hoarders or save the "good" ones for their friends. I actually had an English mastiff puppy stolen by someone associated with the Mastiff rescue here, when I had her pet sit for a month while I was gone. It was 7 years ago, but the family is still devastated. She went to the trouble of moving and changing her cell number when I told her I was on my way back home. Up until then I was talking to her daily for updates on my boy.

We had another pet application rejected because they didn't feel that the vet we used had enough "experience" treating that specific breed. It was crazy.

We are not fans of breed rescues here. Although I know that there are some good ones out there...there has to be! LOL! We have gotten our last 2 dogs off of Craigslist. That is better than buying from a breeder and it keeps them out of shelters and off the streets. Our shelters here are not that great. I don't even go to the pound here anymore. It is filled with confiscated fighting pits and poor dying dogs riddled with distemper and parvo. They also won't let you get the dog out of the cage until you adopt it....Ummmm....NO!!!

Sorry you had such a rough time.
I know how frustrating it is. You feel like they'd rather have them in permanent foster homes than find a good home for them.

For those of you that do rescues and foster...that is AWESOME! I am not bashing it. It is needed. It just makes it too hard for people with honest intentions to adopt a dog they could find somewhere else with a lot less hassle.

Sounds like she just didn't want to answer your questions...maybe because the things you asked were true and she didn't want to admit them. I feel sorry for the dogs, they'll never find a home that way.
the funny thing is that I was willing to let them into my house and offered that before that they could look on my facebook and see my house, my family , my other pets...but she wouldn't even review my application...she wouldn't even open the file...that's what bothers me...I thought i was doing a good thing by researching but I guess too much knowledge....IDK I'm a geek I like to do research and know things.....
Some people take it too far... a friend of mine was going to adopt a Afghan hound.... but the lady that NEEDED to rehome it also wanted her to sign a contract that had a calendar of all of the days that she was going to come visit it because even though she couldn't keep it... she still wanted to be a part of it's life... like an adopted kid or something.... kinda creepy if you ask me. Needless to say, my friend politely backed out of that arrangement

I understand... with the stigma, the problems and the unscrupulous people surrounding power breeds... people have to be cautious. But geez, how will they find good homes if they don't bother investigating any further than an email from someone who is more informed than the average dog owner? I would NEVER rehome my dog with someone unless they understood all of the issues at hand. Happy go lucky dog adopters often get in over their heads with power breeds.

Honestly--if you want to compete in AKC performance events, an ILP number is the easiest thing in the world to get, as long as the dog looks even REMOTELY like any purebred. I mean, I have seen purebreds with AKC papers who look NOTHING like the breed standard, so not having the actual AKC papers should not keep you from competing in AKC events.

Just go to AKC's website, download/print the ILP application form, fill it out, and send it in along with photographs of the dog and proof of spay/neuter from the vet. Easy-peasy!

And yeah, Petfinder is a bit of a crapshoot. You never know what you're gonna get when you look there. Have you checked to see if there's an AST rescue in your area? The national rescue email contact is [email protected]. Good luck!
That is kinda creepy.. all of my animals are rescues...and I have never run into this before but I have never adopted a pure breed before. Purebreeds have certain health issues and I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to get a dog that I was going to have to put down in a couple years.... I think I am in for an adventure. The thing is after 16 years of me rescuing mutts my hubby wanted a purebreed and he wanted an AmStaff so after seeing that I was like wow this is awesome!! littl edid i know

Honestly--if you want to compete in AKC performance events, an ILP number is the easiest thing in the world to get, as long as the dog looks even REMOTELY like any purebred. I mean, I have seen purebreds with AKC papers who look NOTHING like the breed standard, so not having the actual AKC papers should not keep you from competing in AKC events.

Just go to AKC's website, download/print the ILP application form, fill it out, and send it in along with photographs of the dog and proof of spay/neuter from the vet. Easy-peasy!

And yeah, Petfinder is a bit of a crapshoot. You never know what you're gonna get when you look there. Have you checked to see if there's an AST rescue in your area? The national rescue email contact is [email protected]. Good luck!

Look at my avatar...what breed could I try to pass her off as...not being sarcastic this is a real question. My bro-i-law is my vet and he can't think of any...I have a 9 year old Dal/lab mix but she is in a leg brace cause she tore her ACL. SHe is going to be in the brace for at least 6 months so her career is pretty much over for a while.
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I thought of that too...maybe it is for the best. My family is pretty bummed so I think I need sometime before I look again.

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