Well you have come in contact with more than I have. I have never had a problem like this before and all of my pets have been rescues. But this woman defintiely fits the bill of what you described. I mean she should have at least looked at my application... My sister wanted me to find a supervisor or someone of authority in that rescue but you know who are they gonna believe...and though I have her emails to prove it her superiors are either just as crazy or they won't do anything about her because it's so hard to get volunteers nowadays. IDK...I feel bad for my kids.. I keep saying that. I didn't talk about it with my youngest but I did with my older two and they couldn't understand how someone could have such a poor opinion of us when we always treat our animals well.
Actually, I think the rudeness progressed from both parties. It's sort of like what I imagine a thread would be like if people were allowed to question and discuss moderation with mods.

The OP sent in an app, and was denied. If she had left it at that, there never would have been an issue between the two people. The OP did say that she should have kept silent, and really, I agree.

Move on and find another place to adopt. I suggest putting an ad here on BYC.

I should have moved on sooner LOL I agree but I guess I felt I deserved at least a reason and the way she stated her reason was a little unfair... I was insulted...it happens.. to humans.. well most of us.
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IDK she's only 27 lbs... I was thinking Manchester Terrier but my bro-in-law shot me down...she's definitely a terrier...I think... If only there was a Heinz57 category...she'd be perfect.

German Pinscher, at least from that pic.

And without having read through the rest of the thread, I can tell you that the woman was avoiding someone knowledgeable. Not because she was afraid you would breed the dog, but because you would know when you were being lied to. Not to mention that I would imagine her 'rescue' fee would be substantial and ultimately a tidy profit on a litter of puppies.

Don't get me wrong-I've adopted my share of rescues. But I know how the non-profits often work and there is a lot more money to be found in many of them than anyone would believe.

*Your* dog is out there.

Aw thanks Sarah.. Yes the fee was $325 and they wanted me to chip in for travel expense...which I was willing to do... The more I think about it the more I am starting to feel that maybe it was for the best... maybe these poor little guys did have some issues or the parents did.
It's all good...it's kinda sad in a way though.
Sarah - Ill check out the German Pinscher... I am thinking of getting some genetic testing done on her... they have tweeked it so now they can distinguish like 134 different breeds.
I wouldn't get mad, just figure everything happens for a reason. I was once denied a kitten because I owned a great dane, it didn't matter that he met the kitten and could care less. I found a needy kitten somewhere else and just figure the first kitten was not ment to be.

There are other organizations that offer agility besides AKC, (and even allow mixed breeds), can't think of all right off, but I think the UKC is one. I looked into it at one time, my "purebred" AKC dane can't compete w/ AKC because she's deaf (which I completely disagree w/).

And purebred puppies, sometimes even whole litters end up in rescues, it happens! I even fostered a couple purebred yellow lab pups (and their mom), in their case the breeder moved away and left 2 adult males and 3 adult (well one was about 8 months) females behind, one was pg.

This breed is harder to place, it seems to attract bad people, and some know just what to say. But I would be kissing the ground to get a home like your's! This rescuer really missed out, but I wouldn't get discouraged, this pup was just not ment to be, and I'm sure your pup is still out there!
"This breed is harder to place, it seems to attract bad people, and some know just what to say. But I would be kissing the ground to get a home like your's! This rescuer really missed out, but I wouldn't get discouraged, this pup was just not ment to be, and I'm sure your pup is still out there!" ~ Haviris

Thanks and now that some time has past I probably shouldn't have gotten that upset but my kids were like all over me and upset and I guess I got a little bratty... It happens but yes I am learning that that breed does seem to attract some bad folks... I know we will get one and it will be a rescue...I just can't see buying a dog when there are so many that need homes. So I'll wait until another one pops up. Thanks for the encouragement... there are so many nice people on this forum. It's nice to be a part of it.
We reserve the right to _____ for any reason.

is a phrase that hits a nerve with me. It was real popular in the South during a certain period of time. Even though she is clearly not using it the same way, it still upsets me when I hear that phrase.​
It is very unfortunate for you and the puppy that this woman was so quick to judge you just because you had done your research. I do think that many rescues go overboard on their screening process. A friend of mine was denied a dog from a rescue because she stated she would not keep the dog if it attacked one of her children. @@
WOW, yeah if she had actually read my app and then "denied" me I would have felt better. But she wouldn't even do it...and that was before I was "rude"..lol... I was just trying to get background info, like I said in a previous post..all my dogs have been mutts. So I'm gonna be alittle more cautious with a purebreed...

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