What really bothers me is..she even said that she did NOT read your app.!..how can she do that?...
...because IF she had read your app. she would have seen all the experience you have with dogs...that you have taken in other rescues..etc...and that it was not about breeding!...i understand why she does have to be careful....but...jeez...because you did research on a breed you were possibly getting....you were to curious?...that dosent even make sense to me!!.
..i guess she would rather have some idiot who didnt research them, didnt know what they could be getting into..
...yeah..thats much better!...dont do research on breeds you may want to adopt someday..because you look to interested and will get denied!...i think you should send her this thread....honestly....maybe it will open her eyes a bit?..and anyways....dont they fix them before adopting them out?..or at least have a spay/neuter contract with people(like the dog HAS to be spayed by a certain age..or they have the right to reclaim the dog)...if they are soooo concerned about backyard breeders?...i would honestly send her or her supervisor this thread....i know it wont help you save this poor pup..but..maybe it will help open her eyes..and to not be so bitter..and quick to judge people that honestly only want to help the poor dogs!....
RedHen - I agree with you wholeheartedly. I did mention that she would be spayed, and no that $325 fee did not include spaying...believe it or not. My sister wanted me to go and find her supervisor and complain but I really don't think it would do any good. SHe feels she is doing the right thing and that I'm a bad person so...
unfortunately you said the same thing my sis in law said. They are gonna give these pups to people who have done no research on the breed...and lack of education in a breed is what send these guys back to the pounds and shelters in a couple of months...

Again, I completely agree with you but... for as much as I hate to do it. I think I'm gonna call it a day. It wasn't meant to be and I'm not gonna win this one... I just hope those pups do find good homes and don't end up in shelters again later on.
THAT BREEDER SHOULD HAVE TRIED to find them homes!!! Before giving them up. They probably got a fee from him as well. But as I said I think she thinks she is doing right by the dog...she may not value knowledge or education...some people are like that. Thanks for the response though.
Do you have another picture, or could you post a larger version of your avatar? I'm sure you could get an ILP on that dog. I think you could pass her off as a Standard Manchester , even...I mean, yeah, the breed standard calls for them to be no larger than 22 pounds, but you know there are oversize pups all the time. I mean, for all you know, she COULD be that breed! All they could do is look at pictures and turn you down, but I've never known that to happen.

My sister has a beautiful, show-quality miniature poodle who is related to my foundation dogs. The reason she was able to get him as a pet is that he had gone oversize for minis by the time he was 9 months old. It happens!

German Pinscer would be a possibility, too, if the height is right. She doesn't look very Rottie-like to me, at least in this small picture. At 27lbs., I'd doubt she's tall enough to pass for a Dobe, either.

I know some people are more uptight about ILP registrations than I am, but in our area, AKC trials are far more common than NADAC or USDAA or other agility trials, so I don't begrudge anyone wanting to participate in performance events. I guess if you got to be one of the top competitors in the breed, some people might get their nose out of joint if they didn't think your dog was really a purebred...but you know, there's a reason that AKC offers ILP. So I say take advantage of it. I've helped ILP register plenty of foster dogs.
i know..she was doing what she thought was best..and you have to respect the hard/heart breaking job she must have!(i DO give her that respect..and thank her for it also..)...but...it REALLY gets me mad that this dog is getting passed up now..and could have a GOOD HOME!...
..it just really upsets me!...i know you wont win this battle now..but..i swear..you should send this thread to her supervisor!!...i am serious...maybe at least they will tell her to at least READ the dang apps. people send in!...but..its your battle..and i hear what you are saying about it all..i just hate to see the pup loose a good home..it breaks my heart actually..
.....i wish you the best..and thanks for trying to save the pup anyways!..
OK, wait--I can't believe this didn't occur to me until now, but...what kind of "rescue" doesn't spay/neuter the animals BEFORE they adopt them out? Especially with a fee that's over $300??? I mean, that would be a reasonable fee if it were meant to recoup the cost of sterilization, but if the contact person who corresponded with you was concerned about you being a BREEDER, then that would indicate that she intends to let this dog go to a new home INTACT, which, to me, is just stupid.

If you're in rescue, then spay/neuter is just part of the equation. None of your questions would have been "suspicious" in any way if it was understood that the animal in question was incapable of reproducing.
I agree ninja, this is the first time I have heard of a rescue that does not require the animals to be fixed either before they leave, or to have the new owner bring in a spay/neuter cert. as soon as the animal is old enough to have it done.
I can't tell for sure from the picture, but I think it looks like the dog as the shorter muzzle like a Rotty, not the Dobie, that was all I was saying there. Both the Manchester and the Pincher have the longer muzzle like the Dobies.

I agree bigger pictures would help, as would a new monitor for me! LOL, I just noticed (I think) her ears are up, not down, being on the laptop.

BTW I had a rescue tell me they would not adopt to because I'm a 'working' home, meaning I wanted the do to do what it was bred for, not just to be a pet. And they flat out told me that working dogs (and they said the term in a very nasty tone) most often don't get to sleep on the bed with the master they work so hard for so people who work dogs don't really deserve them.

I just left it at that. No need to try and reason that out with someone that obviously has no idea.
Ah, yeah, I can see that now...but you're right, I can't tell what the muzzle looks like! Of course, ears could always be "natural," so they wouldn't discount her for that. Playing dog-detective is fun!
I too have been denied because I don't have a fenced yard. I live on a large farm and the pup would have had a great life, but they'd rather euthanize than adopt to a good home I guess.

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