Clover gets to stay with you..... things may have worked out for the best this way. Sometimes you just never know what is in store for you in you future. Love puppy and kid pics, always so much fun and cute.
I've run into a good many rescuers who are just plain anti-purebred. It sounds like that's what you experienced here. She didn't like the fact that you placed any value at all on the puppy's purebred status for any reason, even if it had nothing to do with breeding.

There is absolutely *nothing* wrong with buying a purebred puppy from a good quality breeder. Most reputable breeders love to get inquiries from well informed buyers who want to do some kind of competition with their dogs. Those are very often the best homes out there.

I wouldn't be approved by most rescues because I have an intact dog. Doesn't matter that he's an AKC champion show dog and that the rescue dog would already be sterilized. Just the simple fact that I own an intact dog disqualifies me.


That's more than a tidy profit on an already raised litter when you give shots and that's about it. That's a ridiculous profit.

Be glad you walked away.

$325 for an adoption fee *is* buying a dog. They just weren't the ones that bred the litter.

Can you tell I'm still aghast at the fee????


We charge about that much as an adoption fee, only because we fly most of the litters in from out west. A lot of the litters we rescue are ones that were accidents resulting from a "friendly," farm dog, the higher cost covers their shipping, and usually we have them vetchecked, shots, wormed, etc. We almost never ask for adopters to "chip in," for travel costs, unless they want the puppy shipped, which would be at their expense, however we discourage this because the puppy has already had a tough journey.

It sounds like the person was just in it to make a profit, if we make a profit at all the money only goes to food for the others, or for food for future rescues. We also rescue adult dogs, and have found homes for many adult dogs
Our most recent was renamed Popcorn by her new owners, she was terrible while we had her, badly behaved, ran off out the door all the time, her new owner has trained her, taught her all kinds of adorable tricks, and they fit together so well! We get regular updates as well
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So here's a funny coincidence...My sister in law put an application in for the same litter.....and she didn't know what had transpired between me and the girl at the rescue... SO they emailed her and asked her if she was related to me and my sis in law said yes... I feel bad if I ruined her chances...they take really good care of their dogs too!! I don't know. I asked her if she wanted me to apologize but she said no!! That if they deny her then it wasn't meant to be... I am thinking of apologizing... IDK
Just wanted to say that Clover is adorable! Those paws say she is gonna be a big girl!
Hope no one claims her and she can have a happy life with you!!!
My mom was looking for a pet as her chi had passef and the grieving time was over and she needed another companion. I went to Petfinder and found this "Rescue" in southern MO. I live up north close to KC. Well I had to go to Springfield to make a delivery and I took my mom with me and decided we would stop in and visit this "Rescue" place.

I couldn't find it so I stopped at a convience store and called for directions. They were surprised I was in the "area" and asked for 30 minutes before we came as they were "cleaning". I of course agreed and showed up early. She had 3 chihuahua's on the back porch of her trailer in a pet pen. It stank to high heaven and was extremely trashy. We could hear dogs of all sizes inside barking like mad.

These poor puppies looked horrible, wormy, malnorished, and runty. Well next door to this trailer were outside cages. The looked like what you would put rabbits in to breed but they were full of small dogs on wire bottom cages. It had Puppy Mill written all over it. It was horrible. Needless to say we left and I made many a phone calls when I got home.
I wouldn't bother apologizing, she did not read your app. She made her decisions based on you being educated, she was stupid. Sorry. She sounds like though she states she isn't that she IS bitter. You would have to question her mentality and stability. I wouldn't make any further contact with her. Could get ugly for you if you did, some people tend to loose it easily. Sounds like she could be one of those people. As far as you SIL getting a pup, same applies, look elsewhere, I wouldn't want to deal with these people or their organization.

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