OK, i have to vent...

I believe in" love thy neighbor as thee would love thy self"

but buck shot would be better than slugs for sure,and personally I think your neighbor has already had 900 warnings
I just lost one of mine last week,I think it was my neighbors dog and they live 11/2 miles away,but i cant prove it or id be getting my shovel out,
Ive been around animals all my life and i would shoot my own dog if it were killing livestock
maybe the dog whisperer can stop a dog from killing once they start but Ive never seen it happen
and I do feel bad for your neighbor,but we all have to be responsible for our actions

GodBless and take care
I chose the sabbot rounds because I have the rifled deer barrel on my shotgun, which has a tactical light on it. I figure is something is getting chickens, I will probably want the light.

OK she paid $900.00 but that doesn't cover the chickens lives which are priceless. She owes you more next time that happens call animal control
I have settled on shooting the dog if it happens again.

The fence and new chicken coop should take care of it, but if he manages to get past both of those defenses, I figure I have done everything I can to avoid shooting him at that point.
Both of my chicken massacres happened on my property, with break-ins from neighbor's dogs.

I am WAY too close (I'm in the city, but about a mile away from the "county") to shoot the dogs if they return.

But, what ticked me off in both situations is that *I* was chastised by Animal Control or police...and the offenders were just told "don't let it happen again".

The newest offender, though, did get a violation, as her dogs not only broke into my yard, but broke down the outer run into our coop.

Both neighbors played me and broke down into tears.

Now, thinking back on it, I should have slapped them upside the head with my dead chickens!

My girls are out there for egg laying for our family as well as my extended family and friends.

I do plan to start selling eggs this year, too.

But, there is NOTHING like going outside to find chickens dead or half dead and your kids in shock and your husband flailing sticks at the offenders...knowing that somehow, they'll find YOU wrong in the situation.

It gets so frustrating...and I'm probably losing potential friendly neighbors over this...but you know...if they do it to my flocks...then what's not to say they will up and attack my kids, too?

Ugh...getting VERY angry now.
If my dog killed chickens or any other livestock, I would have it put down. But apparently a lot of dog owners don't feel that way. I lost most of my own flock to a neighbor's dog that already had a history of lilling chickens, ducks, and geese in the neighborhood. I really have trouble understanding the mentality that allows a livestock-killer to continue.
It's because they don't see Fido or Fluffy as a predator!
"He'd never hurt a fly"
"He's good with the kids"
Here's my favourite: "He's our BABY!"

Well so weren't our birds!
I like the shoot, shovel, shut up, and be done with it approach. Of course, I'm from TN and just red-neck enough to take that approach myself.
Here's what I would do:
Catch the dog! Then, take it to the animal shelter. She'll probably have to pay $50 to get her dog out. Tell her what you did with the dog, and tell her that each time you catch her dog on your property, he'll go to the pound.

We did this with a lab that use to live nearby. He'd stroll onto our property daily. He have a hankering for shoes. He'd take a shoe or boot home with him (we left dirty shoes on the porch). We told our neighbor the problem, but they did nothing about it. I even would have to go over their and ask for the shoes. This went on for months, and cost us a lot in shoes. They had no intention on doing anything.

One day, I decided that I'd take the lab to the pound. I did so, and I then called them up and told the neighbors that their dog was at the pound (I figured if they didn't pick him up, I would legally adopt their dog and keep him as my own. At least I'd know where to find my shoes!

Well...while at the pound, I was informed that it was $50 to get the dog out, and the fee would go up each consecutive time! So, by time #3, it would cost them $100. Problem solved!

Also: I'd tell the woman that if she thinks she can't afford to reimburse you for the hens, then she cannot afford to keep her dog.

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So sorry for your losses. I am sure it has been typed already, but I am afraid that your "Nice" neighbors dog would mysteriously disapear, if it were me. I have no tolerance for feral, lose dogs. NONE! I would also have to get in the neighbors face. I would no longer be cordial with someone like that. I couldn't.
If you get no help from dog law in your area, then call the police department if you are not capable of what I mentioned.
Even if she pays you, let dog law know what has transpired, but only if you do not plan to retaliate against the dog.
Sure, dogs, are predators, but it is also our duty as humans to keep them under control, this is why we have claimed them as "domesticated".
It really pisses me off when people don't control thier animals. It really does. It will happen again. You can count on it.
I have had the same exact problem with my neighbors. I bought a gun, and target shoot on a weekly basis. Thier dog has not since been back, but if he does.....unfortunatly. My duty is to protect MY pet's. Your
neighbor obviously doesn't care enough about her dog to keep it under control. Do you think she would miss it if it disapeared? Load it up and take it to the pound, a few times of having to pay to get her dog out of "hock" may deter her from keeping it. JMHO.
Good Luck and AGAIN--so sorry for your loss.

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