Ok, so I really dislike Angelina Jolie

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I've heard from a couple of people who have actually met Paris tell about what a nice girl she is. That's interesting.
Everybody must get stoned!


A buddy of mine does security, and his company got tapped to provide her detail a couple times. After the first time, the guys were fighting over who got to work security for her (normally they hated celeb duty) because she was nice, polite, remembered their names, and treated them like actual people instead of furniture.
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Me too. I think its a good thing she and Pitt try to help people in other countries; I think its sad that it takes someone with money and celebrity status to bring it to our attention.

Why is she an adultress? You mean Pitt and Aniston. I know, but it takes two.
I am one of the few women that I know who doesn't dislike Angelina. I don't like her either. Indifference would be my description for most people in Hollywood. If I went to the movies based on if I liked the actors then I would never get to watch anything. Most people in Hollywood just seem scuzzy to me. And some of the actors that I like make dumb movies.

As far as Angelina's affair with Brad, I have no idea what Jenn and Brad's marriage was like, nor do I know what Jenn is like in person. She could be wonderful or she could be a total b@tch. I do know that at the beginning of her marriage, Brad said that he didn't know if it would last forever. That is an unusual statement for a newly married man to make. So, something was off from the beginning.

If I was Jennifer I would be more upset with the continued victim status that the tabloids have assigned me then what my ex spouse did. If I had to see magazine covers that constantly toted how alone I was because my spouse left me, I think that I would scream. Really, it isn't the break up of her marriage that makes me feel bad for her, it is the fact that no one in the media acts as if she can go on and have a very fulfilling life without Brad. That would hurt my pride a lot.

I would like to see the Changeling. The back history of this story is interesting to me.
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Thanks Cyn.

As to the stone casting...I shall cast that stone at her. I may have done some things in my life that the Creator shook his head over but I never messed with, much less stole another woman's husband. It is not like she could say "Oh I did not know he was married".
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