Ok, so I really dislike Angelina Jolie

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Works both ways I suppose.

Clint Eastwood. W00t! That is why it was a good movie.
I've heard from a couple of people who have actually met Paris tell about what a nice girl she is. That's interesting.

I like Paris Hilton. That piece she did on politics after McCain made an example of her in his speech was hilarious. I hear she did it in one take, too.


She just does all her acting "in real life" and makes millions doing it.
She kinda looks like a Pez dispenser to me, I'm not sure why.
That was actually the first time I even herd of her when she was with BillyBob.
I think she is pretty and I have watched a few of her movies. But I think I like Billy Bob better

All I remember about it was all the media hype... gosh get a life

So Brad Pitt is a bit of a stuck up snob. But I still like his movies
Not much into bashing anybody... So I leave it as that.

I love Watching Jared Leto... I want to see more of him

Twice. Billy Bob was married too.
Personally if I had to choose between Anniston or Jolie I'd pick Jolie. Anniston doesn't seem to be a very nice woman, she's got an ugly past with her mother, and from what I remember, the fact she wouldn't have children played a role in the breakup of her marriage to Pitt. Pitt seems to like kids. :::shrug:::: who knows what really goes on with those nitwits in Hollyweird?
I'm not sure those "nitwits" in Hollywood are any weirder than the general population. The difference is I'm not constantly under attack from a barrage of information and rumors about my neighbors everywhere I turn, so I don't have as much to go on to designate them "weird." I'm pretty sure my weirdness potential is up there, I just need to get famous.
I like both of them, and they both do good charity work. Have you seen the cool houses Pitt was working on in New Orleans?

Anyway- Angelina IS a good actress, and eye-candy to boot. I never really thought Pitt was "all that", but he is FUNNY! OMG-Snatch, and Burn After Reading. I can't wait til the new one comes to DVD- Inglorious Bastards or something like that.
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