OK, they are molting!!


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
Our first molts - the first pair of chickens has never molted for some weird reason (even the one older one that we still have isn't molting now)
However, it's been a totally different story for the younger hens. :p

I was actually quite alarmed to see that an entire section of the chicken in front's skin was showing, but now that I think about it I can imagine that must be kind of normal. I've seen some worse molts on here before. :lol:

Hello, I was kind of wondering if you have a rooster by any chance?
Reason being, Your hen's back looks just like mine due to the rooster performing his manly duties..lol

Just a little thought..im probably incorrect..
:lol: Hey, I don't have a rooster, but interesting thought! I wonder if she got her feathers caught somewhere? o-o
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I don't know, it's happened before but then that chicken only lost a couple of tail feathers. :idunno
I'm just assuming this is a really bad molt. The chicken is fine, it's got plenty of energy :p
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I just went out today to look at the chickens and I thought this one had mud on her back. A closer look revealed it was only the feathers growing back. :p


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