ok to feed popcorn to the chickens?

and i feed mine popcorn all the time with no problems
Will the rest of them die?????!?!!!!!!! I am devastated I cry if I hit a bird and dodge frogs in the road. Yall tell me please hurry
This is a very old thread. It started like 10 years ago.

But, I cannot say if you did or not. I do not think kettle corn itself is bad for them. However, I believe it has more salt than popcorn and too much salt is certainly not good for them.

Would it kill him that fast? I do not know. With him being that old could be anything.

Did he eat a lot of it?
I wonder why my posts are being deleted. They could be serious.
I looked at the posts that you were concerned about being troll behavior, & it's just someone looking for answers.

They could be being deleted because they're off topic, I've had that happen.

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