OK who is ready for the conversion?

I once was lost and now am found!!!!!!!!
Oesdog had a hard time finding the gate to the darn pen!! - It wouldn;t accept my password even though I copied and posted the original one???? Now I am home but it was a really horrendous strart - I can;t find anything - like the edit button??????????? The print is kind of small? I did finally find the funky Smilys but when you press for them to come up it kind of takes up most of the screen and I forget where I want to put the darn things???? I am begining to think
Going to find my basket and try to make this all go away zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

- found the coffee thread but no one else is in the coffee shop? I wonder if anyone else will find there way back ??????? It is like we've all been dumped in a field far far away and we have to find our way back home!!!!!!!!!!

well ...... my name is wrong LoL

I know it doesn't seem like much ..... but I can't change it back

and the smilies are hard to use....
I'm not a tech person,seems everything is harder to use......... I loved the old site
I'm thinking about trying in my membership card in too
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I would really really love to get rid of the column next to the forum pages that has ads and a "reviews" list. Too much going on in the screen and it's driving me nuts!!
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So far I like it alright. I was sad that the "dot" that tells me where I have already posted is gone. Until I noticed that the threads I have posted in are blue

I love the new smilies,
<- LOL. But it does take a little longer for the little popup to appear. OMG I JUST FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE THE SMILIES GINORMOUS!!

I am slowly learning to navigate the site, and in time I think I will like it better :)
I am still lost and confused and want=dering about bashing my head off the side of the coop because I still can;t find the Edit button and I keep turning up where I didn;t ask to go?????

Oesdog ???????????

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