Okay, who laid what?


6 Years
Dec 23, 2013
North Branch, MN

I have a rouen and a pekin in the pen that these were collected from. I've been getting the smaller white eggs for about two weeks now. Today I got this green giant in the same nest depression where I always find the white eggs. So, who did what? Does anyone know?
I have Pekins and Muscovies. The Pekins lay white eggs but mine are bigger than the ones in your picture.

Thank you! These are both their first eggs- well, the first time laying for each duck I mean sorta. I expected the first ones to be small. These white ones are getting progressively larger with each one. They are small though, for sure. The green one is the same size as the khaki campbell hatching eggs that I recently received in the mail, and this is the very first egg which ever duck laid this has laid. Musta been a fun one for a first time, youch! Sorta like when my first kid was born, she was almost a ten pounder.
My Pekins have been laying for a while now and I forgot the first couple weeks were smaller eggs. Every once in a while I get what I call a 'Godzilla egg' that takes up most of my palm. It's also hard to fit the eggs into a normal sized egg carton. Sometimes the lid will close on a jumbo carton if I get lucky but most of the time I can't even fit a full dozen in there because they're so large.
The white ones are from your pekin, that also explains why she started laying earlier. The Rouen's can lay colored eggs like that.
Ahh! Thank you! Our rouen is a couple of weeks older than our pekin, which is why we thought the white eggs might be the rouens, although that wasn't a good theory.

Thank you for the help!

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