Okay, who laid what?

I have a which duck laid which egg question too. I have a rouen, a magpie and a runner. They all lay in the same nest and I have no idea whose is whose. My guess is (l-r) rouen, runner, magpie. One egg is always

a bit pink, one is always bigger than the other two, and they all taste great when eaten :) but I`d like to be able to separate them so I can pick some to incubate.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks, Hooligan Mummy
I have a which duck laid which egg question too. I have a rouen, a magpie and a runner. They all lay in the same nest and I have no idea whose is whose. My guess is (l-r) rouen, runner, magpie. One egg is always a bit pink, one is always bigger than the other two, and they all taste great when eaten :) but I`d like to be able to separate them so I can pick some to incubate. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Hooligan Mummy
I do believe you have a date with three duck bottoms and three bottles of food coloring in your future :)
Thanks for the suggestion! I went out last night with the Hooligan Chief and this morning the big egg has green on it - so that`s the runner duck egg. The pinky one (now with blue) is the magpie`s and the middle egg is the rouen`s.

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