Okiechick57's Incubator Adventure

The wiggler temp goes from 99 to 100 all day long....the humidity jumps up and down all day so it seems.....never over 50%.....the air temp does the same jumping as the wiggler..........99.5 to 100...........so.....is all okay?
That sounds good. Bump the heat up a TINY bit. I'd rather see the wiggler stay in the
99.5 to 100.5 range. Humidity around 40 +/- 5% is fine.

You are doing a lot better than I was for my first(well 2nd if you count the eggs in 6th
grade) hatch.
okay,turned the ultra sensitive
switch up a notch..will let you know if it holds that pc....thanks all......... I hope I stay this confident.....
I'm more excited about her's than mine. I'm also more stressed about it.
I'm gonna be doing flips if Okie has a 90% hatch. She probably will.

Candling this batch is gonna be fun. I'm gonna have to by a very strong telescope
to see them from here. :eek:
ALl this talk of candling makes me WANT TO DO IT NOW. but.....I am strong.........I am woman........hear me roar........ I WILL NOT CANDLE.I WILL NOT CANDLE.. The only time I open is to add h20....... brb gonna check temps..........it is so good to have you all backing me up...taking some of the pressure for me. I am actually quite relaxed..........really I am.............trust me I really am........
I'm more excited about her's than mine. I'm also more stressed about it.
I'm gonna be doing flips if Okie has a 90% hatch. She probably will.

Candling this batch is gonna be fun. I'm gonna have to by a very strong telescope
to see them from here. :eek:

We have a friend whose job is to maintain the big electron microscopes at UCONN. Maybe he could help?
LOL, so I am, really!! No, really! Be strong. I am really tempted to peek to see if the ones that weren't as advanced as Nadia are now further along but I'm fighting it. We added water last night quickly and I behaved. So far.
I'm more excited about her's than mine. I'm also more stressed about it.
I'm gonna be doing flips if Okie has a 90% hatch. She probably will.

Candling this batch is gonna be fun. I'm gonna have to by a very strong telescope
to see them from here. :eek:

We have a friend whose job is to maintain the big electron microscopes at UCONN. Maybe he could help?

Oh yeah. I could use that help. It's seems I've lost my mind and can't find it.
It's not very big so an electron microscope would be great. Sorta like finding
a contact lens in the ocean. :eek:

Ok back to work (warming up in van for a few minutes
) Burrrrr

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