Okies in the BYC The Original

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teaching up a storm! Trying to cram as much info as we can. We can't make the bad kid list. I already have to go to school for two weeks this summer cuz i had kids not do super great on a test! They are good kids but there is so much pressure to pass tests that we don't get to teach and then we have to show that we are trying to do stuff to help them but of course not teach the test.

I have also been trying to raise a couple boys to be gentlemen...so far i think we got the boy part down!

Been having issues with church...we will wait it out until June...shorter news...trying to decide if I can get a sermon worked up for Sunday to take on the road...I really don't think I have the go at the moment...I am goign to teach another round of Wed. night studies....by the way...i need an idea...

if you start talking about fishing I am gonna cry! we are thinking family camping trip for the break...well part of it...
Quit makin me huuuungry with the talk of Samiches so tall you can't hardly bite em, my kinda dagwood LOL. I made one the other day that had a whole lb of bacon on it, just bacon and nothing else, it musta stood 6" high and was as good as it get's.

I likes bacon...shouldda put a couple eggs on top or some maters...you can't go wrong with maters...that youngest boy can eat his weight in them.

I gotta go to bed...I gotta be cheerful and nice tomorrow...I was cranky and mean today...well...kinda...nobody bled
Quit makin me huuuungry with the talk of Samiches so tall you can't hardly bite em, my kinda dagwood LOL. I made one the other day that had a whole lb of bacon on it, just bacon and nothing else, it musta stood 6" high and was as good as it get's.


A bacon "loaf" sounds more like it.
It does sound like something that would be delicious.

morning all... was absolutely too tired to post yesterday... so

lets see... had to wrangle a guinea under a blanket to cut string out from around his foot... he was NOT a happy camper...
had to make nestboxes, since they were fighting over the community box... we'll see how that works, had to fix a fence cuz those stupid or too smart dogs were getting out... so i fix it, i thought.... last nite had to chase them back in again..
so they are chained for now

today i hope to just do home stuff- i'd rather work outside than in!!
Good morning Okies!
We are from Slapout

To the one who asked about our red goldens--I lost our female this winter as well, I replaced her with a hen out of a fall hatch and have since found out she is a Lady Amherst. So she has to move cages before they start laying and I will be looking for a hen as well. My (mrs.) parents have Reeves, Red Goldens, and he had amherst till this fall they didn't make it...they also have the Elk there in Forgan.

Did I miss anything?.....and I hope all you that was in that real bad storm last night came out of it ok! Gotta love the Okie weather~
Slapout is one of those town names that is used to demonstrate the uniqueness of Oklahoma. Glad to "know" someone from there.

Sorry about you losing your red golden hen. I guess that I will need to be very vigilent to collect all the eggs from my pair and see if we can't get us some hens again.

One of the things we do best on this thread is track the weather as it crosses Oklahoma, checking on each other to see who is being deluged with rain, hail or wind. This past winter, we tracked the ice storms and snow and electricity outages.

The sun is shining today. Yeah!
Woke up this morning and the heat lamp bulb had apparently blown during the night (I went to bed early, around 930pm) and I lost 9 out of 13 chicks. 4 survivors... 2 RIR pullets from Lumber 2 and 2 mystery pullets from Atwoods.

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