Okies in the BYC The Original

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Take some of that bird netting from Walmart and just wad it up around the perimeter of the pens. The snakes will try to crawl through it but will get caught in it like a snare. After dispatching them you will have to cut them out of the netting. It works, I promise!!
Just wanted to pop on and say hello, & Great Catch AL, thats awesome..

I am really tired folks been digging post holes today the manual way! Although I only got 5 holes dug for my soon to be garden I was quite pleased considering when the sun is bearing down I have to limit my outdoor exposure.... Dont need any more Cinnamon Sprinkles aka Angel Kisses on my face and arms ect...

Hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine... have a great night

I think overnighting a few "wads" to Teach would be a good way to dispense of them.

Where is he anyway?
Hiya, BarnSwallow. I attended the Farmers Market meeting again tonight and things have changed again. I guess they didn't check with all their growers, because some of them are reporting plenty of produce. So, I'm gonna be there bright an early at 7:30 on Saturday to get some good fresh local vegies.

Thought you might want to know. Maybe I will see you there.
Today was our last day of school (for the kids). I'm back in my classroom tomorrow to finish inventory and clean.

My broody surprised me with a passel of chicks today. Her hatch wasn't due until Monday. I've seen three BR chicks, two RIR, two SS, and a SFav. That's 8, and she set 10, so maybe the remaining two will hatch in a few days. I'm going to try to get some pictures tomorrow.
Good morning Okies : Where's all of our early birds ??. I am a little sun burn't today I guess I didn't realize it at the time, was having to much fun. I have another light day ( on purpose ) today but do have to deliver materials to the new job site this morning, then it's back to goofing off till Monday.

I hope everybody has a good weekend planned looks like the weather has changed a little in our favor, except for the dang wind. So get out there and do some big things, I think I will LOL.

Al, if you are delivering materials to the new job site and it is windy, please allow someone else to assist you in unloading the large flat objects that tend to catch the wind and knock you to the ground.

By the way - nice looking fish that you caught yesterday. Did y'all go to a public lake or someones private fishing pond?
Good morning.....

We went to the Maud Auction last night and didnt get home til 1:00 this morning. But we did come home with some young and very big Standard Buff Cochins. Got up this morning and have a raccoon in a live trap. Morning is good so far.
Sounds like "Murphy's Law" is alive and well (what can go wrong - will go wrong when you are on vacation) and you need to high tail it home to Oklahoma. It is only 59 degrees here this morning.
Morning poops people! Congrats on the coon and the buffs Jarvis!
Hey what time did you say the fish fry was!lol. That was anice catch. It sure is fun when you can catch em like that,no time to get bored! We sure miss the fishing. There are a few lakes here but the population makes it hard to acess them or enjoy them when you get there. And the creeks and small rivers like we have back there just don't exist here.

I am battling garden varmits. They kepp eating my beans. they just strip the leaves completly off leaving the stalk! I am not for sure if its birds or rabbits. I put up pie pans and plastic ghost but they only worked for the first week. Any ideals.
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