Okies in the BYC The Original

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HI!!! mjgigax I bot some chicks at the sale an they wer all milly cochin roo's i will give you one if you need one...

Sure, I would be willing to trade you a hen or two. I am on the other end of the spectrum, have a bunch of hens but only one small roo. All of mine about 9 -12 weeks old. I have a sweet little partridge hen who forced into babysitting my salmon faverolles and standard partridge cochins but now they are all bigger then her so she needs to either go to the adolescent grow-out pen but she is really, really tiny. Let me look at what I have and let you know. Next year I am going to focus on getting a group of mottled, birchen and maybe millie fleur cochins going. Right now, in the coop I have a very handsome black cochin roo, two white hens, one black, one blue, one lavender, two partridge hens, one mottled and one barred hen. In the brooder I have a pair of barred, in the brooder right now. In the grow-out pens I have several bantam partridge cochins, one birchen (cockeral ???) and one golden laced.

Also I am raising dark brahmas standard but I have a bantam hen so next year that maybe added to the flock building project. Brahmas are awsome too, mine are all so layed back and cool. Even the chicks in the brooder are calm. No complaining, everyone gets along, takes changes well and are not flighty like some birds. Plus dark brahmas have some of the prettiest feathering of any bird. The roosters are gorgeous and very sweet to their hens.

There is a couple other Okie BYCer who are working on millie fleur cochins, Faerie, but she has not been on in a while and Yonderoaks (they advertise on craigslist). They both have some beautiful millies. I really like them but I am trying not to aquire anymore new breeds, aside from the showgirls I am getting ready to get. Talk about another breed of bird with out-going personalities, showgirls are awsome.
Well I had a wonderful evening, my daughter, her boyfriend and girlfriend came out and we had a big cookout. They played with the birds, cats, llamas and of course Stella (my weiner pup). It was awsome spending time with my offspring, she has become a wonderful woman, I am so proud of her.

I found this post on craigslist and thought I would post the link cuz didn't someone mention they were looking for Delawares?? If not, here is the link anyway.
Just your internet chicken enabler.

I'll try to get pics of my 3 Partridge roos posted asap but Saturday I am going out of town for a week. My roos are 9 weeks old. They came from Yonderoaks as did my 2 Mille Fleurs. Tim Kerbo, in Blanchard, has some VERY nice Mille Fleurs. There are a couple of Cochin Banty breeders that attend the Blanchard auction. One has some beautiful Blue Splash that I covet.
I only have room for about 2 flock projects so I have to be careful. Partridge coloring is in many of the Mille Roosters but I think I better keep them seperate. If you want to see some beautiful Mille Fleurs go to the Mille Fleur Cochin Project on Yahoo Groups
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Morning Okies : Going to take the day off today, been hard after it lately and need to take just a minute to stop and smell the roses. Laura is planning a little get together at the lake this sunday with some of our friends and Alyssa is bringing a gaggle of teenagers just to insure we don't get any relaxing in LOL, I am sure most will be squaking about the upcoming heat wave so I hope the beach isn't to crowded and they get my shade tree site before me LOL.

I plan to head to OKC on Saturday Morning to the VA Hospital to visit the Stimpster and family, if anybody would like to join me just holler and we can meet up there, sure would be nice if a few of us could say hi and wish him well. Then I will be off to the Fletcher sale barn and snag a few birds, ( like I need more birds ) LOL.

Now that the true Oklahoma summer is showing it's face with the super high heat levels, everybody just watch out a little more and stay safe because it can catch you fast and drop you hard so keep a sharp eye on folks.

No worries, the chickens will still be here. Looked at the flock this morning, it looks like I have 2 adult hens, 3 pullets and one cockeral partridge cochin bantam. So I would be willing to part with one pullet.
As for aquiring or working on my own millie fleurs that is going to have to wait til next season. Right now the priorities are the salmon faverolles, standard partridge cochin and the bourbon red turkey flocks. Oh and of course the peafowl..
Next year my bourbon red flock will be established so I will be freed up to work on my cochin and other exotic breeds.
The one thing I like the most about my cochins, especially the hens is how talkative they are. They have no problem telling me exactly how they feel, what they think and what is going on in the coop. Just to show how badly I am a chicken slave, I actually recognize several of their voices. I know FREAK!

Well better go water and feed everyone. Have a great day!
Morning Al, Morning Maribeth!

Going to the lake sounds really nice. I am going to try and talk Uli in to going to the lake on his next day off.

It was cute seeing the little turkey poult showing his stuff. I had one do that at 2 weeks old, he got his blue band right then.

Have not decided about going to Fletcher tomorrow. I really want to go but there is a ton of things I need to get done and with the heat I am just do not seem to be able to get everything done before I start to bake. We'll see how things go today and tomorrow.
Ya'll are brave...I don't want to eat a reptile of any kind!

little late on responding but hey i will ry anything once!

I once ate a monitor lizard in survival training in the Marines. Tasty.

I would tell you what it tasted like but don't want to be cliché.
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