*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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Whew! byc is back up- gremlins must be in the servers! Hey Buster did you get my pm?

spent the morning getting more little runs done, so all the home bound winter birds can be outside... cleared away some brush and stuff, and came in to check you all and kept getting error messages..
Been trying to reply for an hour, but alas the software is having trouble. Seems to be a problem with his MySQL server...

Ya know, Al, I was wondering how I got that pretty new cage. I couldn't remember bidding on it, but now I know.

The plan was to bring it to the next Fletcher, but if you need it today for Blanch I can run it up to your place, provided the server stays up long enough for you to see this and to respond. Just let me know.

Mighty nice of you to offer all that freezer space, but I think I got a handle on it for now.

PnB, the rule is, you get 1,000 "bird units" per annum, and a turkey equals 4 bird units. Apparently all other birds are one each, even a goose, so your ducks are 1 apiece. One of my projects over the next year is to lobby our lawmakers to dump the OK specific regs and just go with the USDA guideline. That is 20,000 birds a year that you can process in a non-USDA inspected facility if you raised them on your own farm. Makes no sense for a state like Oklahoma to have more strict regulations than the federal government. Something just doesn't compute there.

Here are the federal examptions:

1. The producer/grower slaughters and processes, on his or her own
premises, no more than 20,000 poultry, raised by him or her, in a
calendar year;
2. The producer/grower sells, in a calendar year, only poultry or
poultry products he or she prepares according to the criteria for the
Producer/Grower – 20,000 Limit Exemption; he or she may not buy
or sell poultry products prepared under another exemption in the
same calendar year in which he or she claims the Producer/Grower
– 20,000 Limit Exemption [PPIA Section (464)(c)(1) last sentence
before (c)(2)];
3. The poultry products are distributed solely by the producer/grower
and only within the District of Columbia or the State or Territory in
which the poultry product is produced.
4. The poultry are healthy when slaughtered;
5. The slaughter and processing at the producer/grower’s premises
are conducted using sanitary standards, practices, and procedures
that produce poultry products that are sound, clean, and fit for use
as human food (not adulterated);
6. The producer only distributes poultry products he or she produced
under the Producer/Grower Exemption;
7. The facility used to slaughter or process the poultry is not used to
slaughter or process another person’s poultry unless the
Administrator of FSIS grants an exemption [PPIA Section 464(c)(3);
Title 9 CFR 381.10b)(2)]
8. The shipping containers, when distributed in intrastate commerce
(instead of the required features of a label of inspected product)
a. producer’s name,
b. producer's address, and
c, the statement, “Exempt P.L. 90-492.”
Hi Everyone!

Well according to BYC's post of facebook they tried to up date their server software for firefox and had a meltdown. Seems like some of the site is back up but I have not tried to PM anyone so that may not be working.

Planning on heading out here pretty soon towards the Blanchard way. Hope I get so see a lot of my BYC friends tonight and of course enjoy a few nachos
!!! Not sure how long I will stay, have a raging headache, hoping getting out and having some fun will make it go away.

Might have to stop off at Atwoods on the way out and see if they have any little chicks that are despirate for a new home.

Better get the truck a moving. See everyone soon!
I sure wish I could go tonight. I've beeen looking forward to going for a long time.
This is my first weekend without a basketball game since December so I thought I would get to go but alas I will not be able to make it tonight.
I will be attending some big family to do that I didn't know about until last night.
I hope everyone has a blast. Let me know what the Madagascar hens bring?
Donnie - The baby Sussex are a wild bunch. They're jumping off the waterer and kicking pine chips with gusto. They sure are pretty.

Moved the baby ducks out of the basement and into the barn today. The weather is so nice I let the waddlers walk in the grass for a bit before putting them in the barn brooder. They're really fast. I'm glad I didn't let them all out at once.
You weren't kidding. I hope the screen top on my brooder isn't tested before I get something heavier. I may need to rest a 2 X 4 across the length of the screen so that it's more secure.
Do you all think it's warm enough to put the babies out in the barn?
I've been keeping them in the house for the week I've had them, but we fixed a place for them in the barn today. The "old' ones are probably just over a week old, the "new" two are probably another week or so older. I have a stock tank with an infrared heater in my tack room for them....

I'm such a newbie it's pitiful...LOL

Now give me a horse or a cat and I don't have a problem
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