*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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I would not advise putting chicks outside just yet we should be getting another cold spell usually about the 3rd week of march and after that it tends to get warmer but in a barn you could depending on age of chicks and making sue hey have total wind block and a heat source
Hey, Stimp. Yes it is. Should be a pack of BYC folks there tonight. You going to try to make it? Me, I'm stuck to my place working on a fence problem.

Say hi to everyone for us if you can make it.
Donnie they would be inside the barn in a small tack room, no wind in there, and with a heater.

Looking at the forecast it's going to be fairly warm tonight, but the next two nights will be chilly... maybe I need to wait a little longer??
Was very pleased with the Guy Rose Auction. We expected there to be cages to put our birds in, so just took them in carriers--ALL the cages were FULL. SplitSocket got us placed in a good spot, and we displayed the birds when the auctioneer came by. Birds sold well, largely thanks to Carla, who bought most of them. There were several others bidding on them as well. I think mine were the only silkies there. Was very nice to see Carla, Gerald, Chris and SplitSocket, and very much appreciated Richard's help! Was already tired by the time my birds sold, so didn't stay.

We were told this was the biggest crowd they'd seen at the Guy Rose Auction. I'd estimate there were close to a third of the birds that we usually see at Chupps! There was also a nice cabinet incubator, several table top bators and a really nice set of GQF brooders.

I plan to take more birds next Saturday--this one is every Saturday--as I need to thin my flock down before the tester comes at the end of the month so we don't have to test so many. Silkies are easy to handle, but it is hard to find their veins in that dark skin!
Hi all, I am back, had some dificulties but mabe back on track now!!! Have not read all the past post so if I missed something in the last week would someone please advise me!!! Gotta go for now, be back on later, Lynn
Betsy - thank you for the update on the Guy Rose Auction. It has been many years since I have been there and it sounds like it might be a good one to try out again. My only problem the last time I went was that it took 3 van loads to get everything I bought back to the house, since they have a junk sale at the same time.
Of course, I am still using the wooden watermelon crates for composting.
Someone asked where you and I were and that maybe we went camping.
Teach said that we just call that going home and that when we went fishing that we just slapped the fish out of the water.
I told him sometimes we just grabbed them with our teeth and that the grizzlies knew to give us a wide berth and stay out of our fishing holes.
There was probably some better stuff but I remember that one.
Taking a break from chasing crazy bulls all day.
Now gotta separate mare from colt and fix fence and
Corrals where cows tore things up. Hope to still make it tonight
But I don't know.
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