*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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THANK YOU!!!! It's probably your enthusiasm that causes everyone to take notice and bid.

I noticed that every time Michael Daugherty goes to the auction table and checks out the birds in a cage, it causes people to bid higher on the birds. I think it wakes buyers up & makes people think it must be good and they must buy!

That reminds me ... Thank you Michael for checking out some of my birds last night and causing people to get excited and buy them!!!!! I may have to pay you a commission!

Same to you, Jim

Michael sometimes buys birds on behalf of other folks and sometimes buys them for resale. When he is bidding on a particular bird, he probably has a person in mind who has asked him to look out for something special. As a result, he is willing to pay "retail" sometimes instead of dropping out of the bidding when it is above the "wholesale" price. Sometimes folks don't understand that and get aggravated because he is bidding against them, but we need to remember that other folks ask him to find things for them and he doesn't bid against BYC folks when the price is above "wholesale" just to drive the price up.

I know. He's a great guy and I'm glad he's a BYC Okie
He's enabled lots of us to buy critters that we otherwise would have missed out on. I don't mind one bit paying him a fair price or even more for something that I want, no matter what kind of deal he got it for. I really appreciate Michael!
Good morning all,
I have been without a computer for over a week,
I sure missed everyone,
welcome to all the new comers!
Monty I am sure that I would rather give the Grizzly the wide birth myself but hey if the fishing hole is good it might be worth fightin a grizzly for and hey maybe we could get Teach to wrestle one at Poops for the entertainment!!! LOL
Have to report that my last hatch in the bator was much better than the first one, lost power for 23 hours so I put three candles in the bottom of the bator while power was off!!! It must have worked as I got a good hatch from that bunch and hey the bator sure smelled better!!!
Coral I am sorry to report that all the eggs I got from you were all clear when I candled them the other day, maybe we can try again later on!!!
Don, want to thank you again for the eggs from your chickens for Donnie to hatch fror me!!! The little Naked Necks sure stole my heart, they are the cutest things with their little fuzz ball heads!!!
I got a great hatch and i think you sent me some Americauna eggs too, got some chicks that I am not sure on but will see when they grow out, and Donnie that you again for the hatching, they are all growing like weeds, have not lost any, moved them to the outside brooder last weekend and they are doing fine, The little NR and BR are doing good too, do you have any more of the Barred Rocks to get rid of, say at poops maybe?? Put me down for 3 or 4 if you do!!! Maybe a New Hamp or two also!!!
I got some caged built but need to get the doors on them, will take some pics soon and post them. Want to say I too appreciate Micheal D. also and want to thank him again for buying all the chicks, roos and Guineas males from me a few weeks back, saved me a lot of time and we had a nice visit even if it was cool and windy at the time.
Well I will get off here for a little while, I have all week off for spring break, Dakota leaves for Colorado with the youth group toaday and Heather and I are going to try to plant some garden next week,
Have a great day all!!! Lynn
Wow! Good Morning, Almost Afternoon!

Yeah I slightly slept in.... Went to blanchard last night. We left like at 10pm. I just too tired. Glad I didnt stay until it was over...Sounds like I would have still been there until this morning anyway.

I did take home several grown guineas and a americana hen. I also got a pair of Feathered legged Cuckoo Marans that belong to Carla and Gerald thanks to Michael.

Looks like I may aquire some Bourbon Red Turkeys at the next Fletcher auction ( which is this Saturday). If someone wants them, they are going to have to pay for them.

Well, gotta go and check on critters... Hope everyone has a blessed sunday.

Lynn , i put two new hampshire reds in there for you and that barred chick is a cuckoo maran from don, im sure ill end up with some more chicks for you , OOOOO and by the way thanks again for the eggs all of them are making , im totally stooked cant wait to see what all hatches from them
For those of you who didn't stay until the end of the Blanchard auction - I sent Michael D a text and asked him what time it was over. He said he left the parking lot at 4am this morning.
Finally got an extended email from my buddy in Sendai. He is safe and had stocked up on food and bottled water, so he is set for the foreseeable future. He has heard from all of his in-laws, and all friends except one, and he is worried about him. His students and their families seem to have faired well, and I guess his school in Sendai is still standing. Says the US news reports on the tragedy are way overblown. Hard to imagine with all the horrendous pictures coming out of there, but I guess the 24 hour news types always focus on the worst of the worst. It is good news in any event that things aren't as bad as it seems, although they are certainly bad enough for those who are affected.

It has made me appreciate where I live, and all the people in my life. I need to get in better contact with my long time friends, because you just never know.

Nocityboy, I still have all three puppies. Maybe we can meet up at the next Blanchard. In the meantime I will PM you with pics so we can narrow down the field. Me, I'm happy with whichever one I end up with cause I am happy with their parents, both very good dogs.

Carla, maybe I can get with you and Gerald on that fence project up there next Blanchard Saturday, I'll PM you as we get closer to that date.
Well good afternoon okies! Good too see all of you last night. Didn't get much from Blanchard just some young frizzles, ameracana roo (mike was saving for me) thanks mike I love him! His name is Hank.:lol:Got some serama eggs and some mixed eggs. Left around 10:30 but didn't really want to but was tired. Had fun it had been awhile since I was at that auction. Everyone have a great day!
Buster - you said he had something to to with schools and teaching?

A lady on another forum I visit (horses) has a daughter out there in Sendai area that was supposed to go to some graduation(s) at the schools. She hasn't heard of her yet, and is VERY worried.
If there is *any* chance your friend would know her --- PLEASE ---- ask him if he knows a lady named Canon and if he knows if she's accounted for. It would mean the whole world to her mother (who lives in California)! PLEASE!!!
Will do. PM her full information and I will see if he knows of her or can find out. In the meantime I'll give him the info you have given me and see if it rings a bell.

My friend runs English schools for native Japanese speaking students, so I doubt she has anything to do with his school, but he still might know about other Americans in the area.
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