Olandsk Dwarf Chickens

I received this little mystery chick yesterday. I'm trying to figure out what it is. The eggs the person got that it could have hatched out from are russian orloff, legbars, tolblunt, olandsk dwarf, basque, and d'uccle. After looking at all the breeds and chick pics of them I'm thinking it might be a olandsk dwarf. Does it look like it could be to you guys? (it's the lighter one, the chicks around it are seramas)

Well, the little guy is starting to feather in. And looking more and more like an olandsk dwarf, I think. Yay!!!

Well, out of 16 fertile eggs we had:

-9 healthy chicks hatched on days 20 and 21.
-1 pipped but never zipped (pipped low and the pip started to bleed, i think it nipped its own vein/artery) :-(.
-4 are still in the incy about to start day 23, but i candled them today and think they died between lockdown and now. No movement, I'll propably pull them tomorrow.
-2 eggs failed to develop past day 10

I'll post pics tomorrow or Monday
I'm searching like a mad woman.... ALL I can find is infections... nothing is looking like mine except for one post about a cycst. Ordered tetramycine oitment today so I will give that a try when I get it. All I've been doing up to this point is washing it withh saline solution, applying neosporin, and some antibiotic eye drops that my dad had....Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Try researching eye worm. I am not familiar with it so sorry I can not help any more. I do not know what else you could treat it with other than what you already have without the advice of a Veterinarian; eyes can be sensitive to some medications depending on where in the eye the injury or infection is; the meds with steroids can cause blindness.
But, she's only a month old??? I read that it's from cockroaches....none of those here.... Plus, I don't see anything... It just seems to be bulging and irritated.

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