Old and Rare Breeds

By the way, Gallorojo suggested that I try IDEAL Poultry's or Sandhill's Kraienkoppes. He said that they were not perfect, but that since the Kraienkoppe is so rare, these two hatcheries' lines might be pure and worth working with. Does this sound reasonable? Would appreciate your opinion.

Sand Hills will be. Ideal probably got their original ones from Glenn but how they've bred them since I don't know.

Is Glenn the Kraienkoppe breeder you're speaking of? I've heard his name here on the Forum before. Could've been another Glenn, though.
LOL, I'm considering ordering from IDEAL, but I'm kinda nervous about what I'll get. True, they may have started out pure, but I've heard some weird stories about their stock. You know, like rumpless Orloffs, white-lobed Asils, soft-feathered Thais, and overly tiny Black Sumatras (large fowl). I'll probably wind up getting bantam Kraienkoppes that have a warped color pattern. LOL, I hope not, though.

As for Sandhill, I hear that it can sometimes take an entire year just to get your order processed (sounds like they need some more employees
) I've heard of things wrong with their stock, but I've also heard that they can be an okay place to start if you want to introduce a new line to a breeding project. I'd love to buy from them, but I just don't have a year to wait, without a guarantee of actually getting what I want.
Glenn is Glenn Drowns, the owner of Sandhill Preservation. I think I know who Saladin is talking about. I do not think it's Mr. Drowns. Gresh, you should consider joining the SPPA, the breeder directory would be very valuable for you.

The birds that will deviate the most from standard from a hatchery are the very huge, very small, and especially, poor layers. What I am saying is a huge breed like a brahma, or Shamo, will come way too small. A poor layer like a Malgache is a huge problem for a hatchery. The Kraienkoppe is not too large, not too small, and a good layer. They have a better chance than some of being ok. The other thing to remember is even great breeders have culls. Many good breeders won't even sell baby chicks because you just can't tell if they are good or bad. If you get just a few chicks from a hatchery, it does not really tell you that much about the quality-you need to get a lot, and then cull down to the best.

A neighbor of mine got some Silver Kraienkoppe from Ideal, and I thought they looked nice. From a distance, they were attractive birds.
Also wanted to add I've dealt with Sandhill and always been happy. They have treated me well. They are really good people regardless of what you hear on this site. Some of the the crazy waits are for extremely rare breeds that don't lay that well, things like that. Some things you just can't get anyplace else. A lot of people just do not get the fact they will have to work hard at these rare breeds, and they may not come perfect, because there is no perfect or even close with some breeds. When you buy chicks, you always take a certain chance that you don't when you buy a trio of adults.
Javas are a younger breed than the US

Orloffs are fairly old, not sure about Ancient though. Aren't they 19th century?

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