
Jun 5, 2020
I have 15 new chicks about ready to go out into the coop. I had 9 hens in there. They killed one, I accidentally killed one, a fox got 3, one died randomly and since the last 3 were barely laying and it's tricky introducing new chicks, I gave the existing hens to a friend with a farm where they can live out the rest of their lives happily. My question is, how clean do i need to get the coop before putting the new chicks in there? I cleaned all of the old litter out thoroughly and threw some lime in there. I raked out the run completely. Is there anything else I should do? Thank you in advance for your assistance :)
Did the other chickens have any diseases or parasites? You've already done more that I think most of us would do if you were integrating them into your flock. If you really feel you have to do something more you can mist the inside with a weak bleach solution and let it air out well before you get the chicks. I wouldn't do that much.
Did the other chickens have any diseases or parasites? You've already done more that I think most of us would do if you were integrating them into your flock. If you really feel you have to do something more you can mist the inside with a weak bleach solution and let it air out well before you get the chicks. I wouldn't do that much.
No, the other chickens were healthy. I figured if i had kept the other chickens i would have just put them together without much of a clean up but i thought i would ask just in case. thanks!

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