Old duck egg bound or possibly sick. Need help identifying what might be wrong.


May 25, 2020
Eastern WA

I'll try to keep this short but there might be a little background info required to get a clear picture of what's wrong with our old lady. We call her Momma duck, and she came to live with us a couple of years ago. Before that, she had been at two other homes. She spent about 5 or 6 years with some acquaintances as an egg-layer, but they eventually got rid of their ducks so this little lady and some of her friends went down to my in-laws farm and lived on the pond there for a year or more. Historically, the pond had been very safe and there were many other ducks and geese down there, but they suffered a river otter attack and lost most of the birds.

Momma Duck here survived, but suffered a fractured toe during an otter attack. She came to live with us after that, and she laid eggs for about a year before starting to have "egg problems." She started laying fairy eggs, skipping days, and sometimes laying just yolk or passing soft shells. We took her to the vet and were told that she's just an old duck and these things are fairly normal for a duck of her age. We make oyster shells available to the girls all the same.

She would have good days and bad days, but generally would recover and pass any egg issues on her own. This spring/summer, she hasn't laid any eggs although we've seen her pass a few soft eggs or yolks etc it's been pretty scarce.

She's currently, by best guess, about 8 or 9 years old. She has arthritis in her bad foot and a recurring case of bumble on the better foot since she favors it more. She's been doing good in Spring and Summer so far despite not laying anything, quite perky and chatty. We've been keeping her separate from the drakes since she is their favorite and were over-mating her, so we had been letting her out in the morning and evening and locking the boys up during those times so the girls could go around all together. About 4 or 5 days ago she started having problems consistent with "egg problem" time — a lot of sitting, pumping her back side, heavy breathing etc. Since then she seems to have been getting more lethargic and I haven't seen her eating much, but she is drinking.

On Friday, I found her sitting alone a lot which is unlike her, and she wouldn't resist being picked up (also unlike her). She was also somewhat tense/stiff when I picked her up. Yesterday and today we've been giving her warm ebsom salt baths and last night we lubed up and massaged around her vent area to see if we could help her pass any egg material. She was really tense at first and was standing in the bath bowl, so we brought her inside and put her in the bath tub. She managed to poop twice and after that seemed a little more perky and energetic, but no eggs or egg material or anything.

Today she still seems subdued, and we have her fenced off by herself. She wasn't getting in to her water, but we put her in her 50 gallon tank to swim around in, and she was in there for a few hours just floating around. When she got out, she sort of just stood around in her little area not really relaxing.

At this point I'm not sure what's wrong—I'm not sure if it's egg issues, a bacterial infection, parasites, or just old age. I know she doesn't seem to be feeling good because she didn't come out of her area when we offered to let her out into the yard (she loves the yard) and she's really quiet and subdued, normally she chats quietly and happily. She's also refusing her favorite treats: meal worms.

I'm a bit worried but not sure what to try. Sorry for such a long post. Here are some photos from yesterday, last night soaking, and then this morning in her fenced off area:

Found her in a private place in a overgrown part of yard:


Sitting quietly under the willow:

Soak time:


Saturday morning:
What you need to do tomorrow is go to TSC and get Calcium gluconate it's a liquid and will most likely be in the cattle section. Buy a 1ml syringe too. Give her 1 ml of this. Usually, they will lay in 12 hrs or less. if this is what is going on. It may be she has an infection or is egg-bound hard to really k know. But at least using the cal glu you should be able to rule that out. it works to make the muscles contract.
It sounds like you are doing everything right. I like that you've got her apart from the others and in a quiet place with her food and water. The calcium gluconate isn't going to work instantly. I'd say by tomorrow morning you might see an egg if that is indeed the problem.

I use a 3 ml syringe all the time so it should be fine for you to use. I actually like it better because it gives you a bit of room for "oops". You do know that you need to aim for the DUCK'S RIGHT side in her mouth right?

I really hope she gets better and I can't imagine what else you could do for her. She's a lucky duck to have good humans.
It sounds like you are doing everything right. I like that you've got her apart from the others and in a quiet place with her food and water. The calcium gluconate isn't going to work instantly. I'd say by tomorrow morning you might see an egg if that is indeed the problem.

I use a 3 ml syringe all the time so it should be fine for you to use. I actually like it better because it gives you a bit of room for "oops". You do know that you need to aim for the DUCK'S RIGHT side in her mouth right?

I really hope she gets better and I can't imagine what else you could do for her. She's a lucky duck to have good humans.

Yeah we aimed for her right side. She was being a good patient right up until we got the plastic in her mouth and then she started squirming and trying to snap her mouth shut! Poor girl.
You may just be dealing with her end of life also. It's just so hard to know since we can't go by much other than their subtle hints at how they are feeling. The Cal glu won't hurt her so hopefully if she is having egg issues it will help. About all you can do is make her comfortable. The save a chick will surely help in the hot temps. You can get the 1ml syringes at most pharmacies since they are used by diabetics.

She's been standing for about 4 hours or so...we got her ready for bed and put her in the big swim tank before bed and she popped out after a short while and is still just standing. It seems like sitting is really uncomfortable.

Do you all know what end-of-life symptoms look like for an old duck? I've never had a duck this old before so if this is just complications from old age I'd like to know what to look out for in the future.

I've seen her poop a couple of times this evening but nothing that looks like an egg. She is drinking very lightly but no food still. This is day 4 I believe? I can't imagine she can continue for too long if she doesn't start eating. We always knew losing her would be hard, she's a very polite and sweet girl.
Ducks stop laying at 7-9 years old so she very well might not be egg bound just her egg laying days are coming to a close. I would consider a vet, however she as others have said may just be getting old and feeling it or reaching that point where she is slowly seeing the end. Some ducks are bright and perky to the end, but we also have to remember that ducks just like people as they age they tend slow down and there isn't much we can do about it. It's kind of like expecting a 90 year old woman to be running laps and doing jumping jacks.
Do you have any metacam you could give her? It is available only by prescription. It is a NSAID/pain reliever that vets always give my ducks when they are having reproductive problems or seem painful.
We actually do have some metacam so that might be on the table at this point.

I would consider a vet, however she as others have said may just be getting old and feeling it or reaching that point where she is slowly seeing the end. Some ducks are bright and perky to the end, but we also have to remember that ducks just like people as they age they tend slow down and there isn't much we can do about it. It's kind of like expecting a 90 year old woman to be running laps and doing jumping jacks.
I sure wish we had the answers, But just keeping her comfortable may be all you can do unless you did take her to the vet or have a vet who would sell you the Metacam. In case she is in pain.

We actually broke down and took her to a vet yesterday. We live in a rural area so the options for avian vets aren't great locally. Vet thinks it is most likely age-related organ failure, possibly the kidneys or liver but it could also be something with the oviduct. The disoriented "staring at walls" seems to be some kind of dementia-like onset. I went ahead and approved some tests just because I want answers for future ducks. She spent the night at the vet and should be coming home today. I think we may be looking at end-of-life treatment, so depending on what the results of her tests are we're planning to make her comfortable as possible and let her have a lot of outside time and hopefully she'll pass peacefully.

Putting her down is an option but if she's going to pass I'd like to let her spend her final days hanging out in familiar places that she loves so hopefully we can let her do that and keep her comfy. We'll see what her results are.
Sorry I didn't see this. I give it orally with a 1ml syringe without a needle it works faster that way.
In case you have never done it https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...dications-to-all-poultry-and-waterfowl.73335/

Okay we made it down to TSC and picked some up. They didn't have any 1mL syringes but I think we can make do with one of the 3mL ones we have here. Why types of side effects should I be looking for/what should I expect over the next 12 hours or so?

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!
She's pretty subdued again, didn't seem interested in coming out of the run again. Normally all the ducks are excited to come out in the morning. Tail isn't down but she's fluffing/shaking it a lot today and yesterday, which she'll also do when she is trying to pass an egg sometime (or poop). I've been putting some nutri-drench in her water and moved it close to the corner where she's enjoying sitting so she has easy access to water. If we disturb her, she'll usually remain standing for a long period of time. I wonder if it's uncomfortable to sit? She seems really "stiff" if that makes sense. Just really uncomfortable.

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