Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

At last a successful hatch !!! So far I had 2 broodies hatching 1 chick each.This time we are at day 20 for 5 eggs and day 19 for 4 eggs with 3 chicks of different colours allready !!!

I hope to remember tomorrow to get my camera since iphone's photos have not so good quality...

Oh my gosh is that a terrracotta pot for a nest? I am wanting to do that here. They seem like they would be a good choice in a hot climnate.

I took away my sorta broody Seramas mate.. 15 minutes later, she is on the nest, puffed up and screaming at my every move

I will have to do some moving around of birds to make it so her mate can have his own place and so can she. Also, my Muscovy duck stole my other ducks eggs today, so Im hoping that is a sign of broodiness
At last a successful hatch !!! So far I had 2 broodies hatching 1 chick each.This time we are at day 20 for 5 eggs and day 19 for 4 eggs with 3 chicks of different colours allready !!!

I hope to remember tomorrow to get my camera since iphone's photos have not so good quality...
that is adorable, but can those chicks get to food and water? looks to deep for them to get out of to eat and drink??
Update on my babies! Everyone is happy and healthy, though I am starting to look at rehoming my two cockrel chicks. They are not overly photogenic; apparently the phone is going to eat them... Anyway, I have one more red chick that is def. a hen and three of the blue/mottled silkie chicks. They all look about the same, just differing levels of baby fuzz still left. Oh, ya, they are six weeks old now.

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Update on my babies! Everyone is happy and healthy, though I am starting to look at rehoming my two cockrel chicks. They are not overly photogenic; apparently the phone is going to eat them... Anyway, I have one more red chick that is def. a hen and three of the blue/mottled silkie chicks. They all look about the same, just differing levels of baby fuzz still left. Oh, ya, they are six weeks old n

What breed is this adorable boy?
karlamaria, the goal is not to be able to leave the nest until the rest hatch so the broody won't leave the remaining eggs, I'll get them out of the nest to drink tomorrow ,they don't need food the first 24 hours, and the day after they will be relocated with the broody hen to the coop I use as brooder where I have waterer and feeder for chicks.

perchie.girl actually it's just a round plastic leftover ,bigger pieces of this are used to create columns, and it's another temporary solution until I put bucket nests.
karlamaria, the goal is not to be able to leave the nest until the rest hatch so the broody won't leave the remaining eggs, I'll get them out of the nest to drink tomorrow ,they don't need food the first 24 hours, and the day after they will be relocated with the broody hen to the coop I use as brooder where I have waterer and feeder for chicks.

perchie.girl actually it's just a round plastic leftover ,bigger pieces of this are used to create columns, and it's another temporary solution until I put bucket nests.
Oh ok ! Im sorry I do not know to much about chicks. I had mine sit on eggs in March and we had to chicks, and they ate right away, but my chickens are now sitting on 10 eggs each so this is good to know. I do not want her up and off those eggs.
my broody kicked out a few eggs and they were cool to the touch, not cold but cool, Im wondering why ? Im going to candle them tonight, but she has been doing this and Im wondering if she has to many ( buff orphington and sitting on 10 eggs) or there bad and she knows it? they do not smell at all. anyone?
karlamaria, the goal is not to be able to leave the nest until the rest hatch so the broody won't leave the remaining eggs, I'll get them out of the nest to drink tomorrow ,they don't need food the first 24 hours, and the day after they will be relocated with the broody hen to the coop I use as brooder where I have waterer and feeder for chicks.

perchie.girl actually it's just a round plastic leftover ,bigger pieces of this are used to create columns, and it's another temporary solution until I put bucket nests.

So its a form of sorts.... VEry interesting....
I live in terracotta firma.... LOL. Near Mexico.


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