Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I have a Serama who I think is going broody but wont sit through the day. She is in a pen with only her mate, could he be riling her up so she gets up and leaves the nest instead of staying to sit all day?

Reasons I think shes broody:
At night when I check on her, she gets all puffed up and screams at me like my big hens do when they are laying an egg. When I move her at night, she just settles down again and looks around for her egg. She used to not stay where I moved her, she would run back over to her mate and settle down next to him.

Soooo.. Broody or just odd? And how do I get her to stay all day?
ETA: how many eggs can a Serama hen cover? her own eggs of course.

The way I determine if they are broody is (1) they stay on the nest at night and not the roost for 2 nights, (2) they sit on the nest a majority of the day and will stay there unless kicked off by other layers - but will return once the layers leave and (3) they have stopped laying eggs as well.

But the prebroody stage I can recognize because they will linger in the nestbox, walk around clucking, do odd dashes about the yard and puff up/hiss when I approach their eggs. These things alone won't show broodiness - but the other three things definitely do.

Your girl might be close to broody - but if she's not sitting all day and night I would say she's only prebroody. She'll stay put when she's ready. I'm not familiar with how big a Serama hen would be - my small silkie Topsy could sit on 4 of her own eggs and my slightly larger EE/Araucana Smokey can sit on 6 of her own eggs. You'll want to consider that she will keep the chicks under her wings until they are 4-5 weeks old - and judge by that size.
That orp isn't ever going to leave those babies
and who can blame her, they're so ADORABLE!
thanks :D, i think they will leave her first!! still waiting to see if my BO is female or male...
One more of my early d'uccle eggs hatched this morning. Baby is still wet. One pipped and two hanging on. Will check after lunch when I am home next.
At last a successful hatch !!! So far I had 2 broodies hatching 1 chick each.This time we are at day 20 for 5 eggs and day 19 for 4 eggs with 3 chicks of different colours allready !!!

I hope to remember tomorrow to get my camera since iphone's photos have not so good quality...

OH MY GOSH!! I did not know this!

Where can I get the Diatomacious earth? and the Neem Oil?
I know Tractor Supply hasDiatomacious earth. My broody is 3 days away from what I hope Will be a hatch day. I was not about to disturb her to candle eggs, to hard to get in the area closed off by sections of wire dog crate.Rangers are week 21 and I am waiting on eggs from them want to see what 2ND generation rangers are like and when the Jersey Giants are of age I plan to mate them to a Ranger. The pics are of the big rooster Godzilla the largest Ranger rooster and 16 week old Black Jersey Giants.I actually saw one of the psycho golden comets sitting on an egg she pulled to her, looked as if she kicked other eggs away and one to the ground. No more Golden's, they are crazy birds.
At last a successful hatch !!! So far I had 2 broodies hatching 1 chick each.This time we are at day 20 for 5 eggs and day 19 for 4 eggs with 3 chicks of different colours allready !!!

I hope to remember tomorrow to get my camera since iphone's photos have not so good quality...
Congrats!!! really pretty good pics.

I know Tractor Supply hasDiatomacious earth. My broody is 3 days away from what I hope Will be a hatch day. I was not about to disturb her to candle eggs, to hard to get in the area closed off by sections of wire dog crate.Rangers are week 21 and I am waiting on eggs from them want to see what 2ND generation rangers are like and when the Jersey Giants are of age I plan to mate them to a Ranger. The pics are of the big rooster Godzilla the largest Ranger rooster and 16 week old Black Jersey Giants.I actually saw one of the psycho golden comets sitting on an egg she pulled to her, looked as if she kicked other eggs away and one to the ground. No more Golden's, they are crazy birds.
Pretty birds..
The way I determine if they are broody is (1) they stay on the nest at night and not the roost for 2 nights, (2) they sit on the nest a majority of the day and will stay there unless kicked off by other layers - but will return once the layers leave and (3) they have stopped laying eggs as well. 

But the prebroody stage I can recognize because they will linger in the nestbox, walk around clucking, do odd dashes about the yard and puff up/hiss when I approach their eggs.  These things alone won't show broodiness - but the other three things definitely do.

Your girl might be close to broody - but if she's not sitting all day and night I would say she's only prebroody.  She'll stay put when she's ready.  I'm not familiar with how big a Serama hen would be - my small silkie Topsy could sit on 4 of her own eggs and my slightly larger EE/Araucana Smokey can sit on 6 of her own eggs.  You'll want to consider that she will keep the chicks under her wings until they are 4-5 weeks old - and judge by that size.

They refuse to sleep on the roost at night. I've tried everything but if I block the nest box, they sleep on the cold ground. If she decides to sit I'll probably only give her a few eggs.
all the photos - congrats on the hatches!

I had to post this 1st photo, my broody & her 2 chicks are doing really well.
Any guesses of gender on these 2 barred rock babies?

The babies are 2 weeks old today.


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