Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Haven't been here in ages. Congrats to all the broodies and chicks. I've successfully broken my broodies many times, but this time I can't seem to get them to stop sitting.

I have three right now - a RIR, Blue Splash Maran, and Partirdge Silky. The Rhodes Island Red started sitting about a week after the Maran. The Maran was sitting on nothing for 14 days and finally a clutch of now three WL eggs. The RIR is on two eggs and the Silky, who just started sitting three days ago but is already deeply into being a mom, is sitting on two as well.

All are sitting on what remains of an order of White Leghorn eggs. I ordered 12, received 18 in good shape, and we are down to 7. I haven't checked them in awhile. I've been letting the broodies decide if they are good or not and deal with them on their own. The hatch is due on July 8th, but with it being so hot here in Virginia, I'm guessing they may come in earlier, maybe the 6th.

If nothing hatches I'll move to plan B, order chicks and put them under the girls to get them to stop being broody! I love watching the broody moms hatch and raise their young, I'm just running out of room for chickens here.

here they are sitting in the lower three boxes of my six box roll out nest box. All the other girls are upset and have been either forcing them to move to lay or laying on the ground in protest.
hi! I just found this thread and it looks like there's a lot of good info here. I've got some serious reading to do just to catch up with you all :) I've got a TSC buff brahma who went broody a couple weeks ago. gave her fertilized eggs on Monday. so far, she still seems pretty determined. this is my first shot at this, so wish us luck!
hi! I just found this thread and it looks like there's a lot of good info here. I've got some serious reading to do just to catch up with you all :) I've got a TSC buff brahma who went broody a couple weeks ago. gave her fertilized eggs on Monday. so far, she still seems pretty determined. this is my first shot at this, so wish us luck!
Welcome to the broody thread. Bumpercarr is a frequent contributor to this thread, and has lots of experience with broody Brahmas. She recently (within the month, I think, although all time has run together lately) posted some information about the special considerations needed for larger broodies that you might find helpful. If I remember correctly, it was regarding the concern about trampling eggs and chicks, and the need for an appropriate sized nestbox, adequate padding, and a reasonable number of eggs.

Good luck with your Brahma. Please post when you have questions. This is a friendly thread. Nobody gets picked on for being a newbie.
-__- same with me. marshie left her polish at 6 weeks and is back on the nest. she even stole a nest from my broody with 5 days left!
Haha. Just give her a couple of that broodies eggs if you dont want more. Will make things easier! Mine just has one egg and if it hatches, it hatches!
thanks for the feedback.just got home from work checked on tilly .took her off the eggs so she'll eat drink and poop.checked the eggs for pips.nothing.now day 20 i'm anxious for her.i put some watermellon in a dish for her .hope she eats it.ONE MORE DAY TILL BABIES.YEA!
Hi All,

Im new to the group and my Buff O is on her first batch of eggs, day 8. We started out with 13 and candled last night at day 7, took out 4 (3 yolkers and 1 that died around day 6) and left 6 good ones and 3 that we aren't sure about. We plan to candle again at day 14 to check again. She's in a private tractor and seems very content on the nest box so fingers are crossed!

A few questions -

How involved are you guys on hatch day? We plan to be around but do you just leave them alone and let mama handle it all? Do you check often? And will she help them if they have trouble getting out? I would hate to lose one I could have helped hatch but Im tempted to just let her handle it to avoid bothering her. Thoughts?


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