Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

hi everyone,tillys chicks were hatched on the 30th. theres on with a lame leg since hatch;ive resigned myself that only the strong survive.can anyone give me an idea of how long i can expect it to drag on? it's painfull to watch.
hi everyone,tillys chicks were hatched on the 30th. theres on with a lame leg since hatch;ive resigned myself that only the strong survive.can anyone give me an idea of how long i can expect it to drag on? it's painfull to watch.

Chickens are remarkably resilient. That chick may out live others with both legs working fine. As long as it can get to food & water and not get pasty butt it might surprise you. You can investigate making a splint for it or you can leave it alone and let it run it's course to see what direction it goes.
Thanks again, bumpercarr. I kind of imagined they'd freak out w the hen. I have so much to learn about chicken behavior. I guess I'll have to keep trying to break Haru's brood. No more chicks ( for now... :)
hi everyone,tillys chicks were hatched on the 30th. theres on with a lame leg since hatch;ive resigned myself that only the strong survive.can anyone give me an idea of how long i can expect it to drag on? it's painfull to watch.

Could you send us a picture of the chick showing the position of the leg when standing? There may be a way to fix that.
i just went out to check on the chicks b4 i went to work gimpy was in the middle of the nest cold and still. i went to pick it up and it started peeping so i scooted it under mom who was 5 inches away.why would she not stick it back under her,like she always has unless shes waiting for it to die as well?
i just went out to check on the chicks b4 i went to work gimpy was in the middle of the nest cold and still. i went to pick it up and it started peeping so i scooted it under mom who was 5 inches away.why would she not stick it back under her,like she always has unless shes waiting for it to die as well?

She may instinctively know there's a problem with it.
I have to stop obsessing with my broodies. Every time I go out there to gather eggs they seemed to have moved around and switched nest boxes. I also keep seeing them out in the yard and it makes me worried since I've got 8 chicks coming on 7/14. I don't want to brood them myself. The whole reason for getting them is to give my broodies something to hatch. Okay also to have some OE and EE in the flock. ;)
I wish a had a broody! Last year one of them succesfully had 8 chicks, but this year nothing. Well, the Big one starts every late afternoon sitting like being broody on the nest and stays there until 12:00 o'clock. Since I have French chickens, quite understandable, every frenchman or -woman eats at noon. She does not lay, she just is part-time broody. I 'm getting quite desperate.
I cannot force her, she just doesn't have enough hormones to go all the way.

I congratulate the hatchers, being very very jealous. No, not really, chicks are so adorable and chickens with chicks even more, so I'm very happy for everybody.

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