Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Baby number 2 sadly died (and no it didn't have anything to do with rats, bella squished it). So theres only this duckling. Debating on what to do for the best. I'm trying to find a day old duckling to add into the mix. But if not I have to make the decision to keep the duck (if it's a girl as boys can damage hens) with the chickens forever as they strongly imprint. Or, do I take it to live with the ducks I plan to get? Either way, the baby is soooo cute!
Bella and baby




Well there you go. That is why I separate them. waste of energy not to mention a horrible unnescessary death. Not singling you out John just that it happens way to often to these innocent angels don't you think? Somebody has to start doing something. You said she was a very good mother too. It is so sad.
Well there you go.  That is why I separate them.  waste of energy not to mention a horrible unnescessary death.  Not singling you out John just that it happens way to often to these innocent angels don't you think?  Somebody has to start doing something.  You said she was a very good mother too.  It is so sad.

Well it's nature at the end of the day. If Bella's was in the wild this would have happened too. This is the first problem I have ever had with a hen squishing a chick, so I had no reason to consider it. I would never take Bella's baby off her. I would much rather she ended her motherhood than me :).
@Johnn. That duck is soooo adorable! Where can I find fertile duck eggs?

@fisherlady. & LadyofMacamly (sp?)

I'm seeking out the experts here! I have one hen that went broody, and I gave her fertile eggs on Tuesday afternoon (I don't have a Roo). Last night into today, I see that another chicken has gone broody. Can I give the second broody some of the first broodys eggs? Will that be enough time for her to hatch them and not kill them? Broody #2 is experienced, this is her third time hatching chicks, and her second time this year. She is clearly intent on repopulating the world with chickens! :lol:
@Johnn . That duck is soooo adorable! Where can I find fertile duck eggs?

@fisherlady . & LadyofMacamly (sp?)

I'm seeking out the experts here! I have one hen that went broody, and I gave her fertile eggs on Tuesday afternoon (I don't have a Roo). Last night into today, I see that another chicken has gone broody. Can I give the second broody some of the first broodys eggs? Will that be enough time for her to hatch them and not kill them? Broody #2 is experienced, this is her third time hatching chicks, and her second time this year. She is clearly intent on repopulating the world with chickens!
Thank you! Are you in the UK or the US?

Also as for your other question, I'm fairly sure that will be fine. Bella was only broody for a week (maybes less) when her duckling hatched :)
Thank you! Are you in the UK or the US? 

Also as for your other question, I'm fairly sure that will be fine. Bella was only broody for a week (maybes less) when her duckling hatched :)

I am in the U.S. Thanks! I will put a few of the other broodys eggs under her. I'm sure she will do great. They are all bantam Cochin eggs, so I hope a get a decent amount hatched. They are so cute when they are adults, I'm sure they will be even cuter as chicks. :lol:
@Johnn . That duck is soooo adorable! Where can I find fertile duck eggs?

@fisherlady . & LadyofMacamly (sp?)

I'm seeking out the experts here! I have one hen that went broody, and I gave her fertile eggs on Tuesday afternoon (I don't have a Roo). Last night into today, I see that another chicken has gone broody. Can I give the second broody some of the first broodys eggs? Will that be enough time for her to hatch them and not kill them? Broody #2 is experienced, this is her third time hatching chicks, and her second time this year. She is clearly intent on repopulating the world with chickens!

Responded on PA thread
So my broody hatched two of seven (originally 12) eggs that were due on the 19th, today being the 21st. I lifted her up this morning and one had pipped but the rest of the egg was crushed and baby was dead. So now four eggs left and none have cracked the shells at all. I dont think I hear cheering inside of any. Do I crack them open and try to rescue the chicks? I feel it's worth a try! Help a sister out guys! Thanks!
Do you have an incubator or make one from a heat lamp and storage tote.
It could be they were left cold, if you know that would help. All the eggs were laid on the same day? Being cold too long will slow their development and cracking them could kill them. Incubator would be better. Then you have to decide to give them back to the maybe not so mother like hen or raise them in the tote then bigger cages. I put the totes inside the cage and they stayed warm together. Right now I am raising my single chick hatched 2 weeks ago by a neighbour's broody because I did not have one.
Min/Max thermometer is helpful. I have not hatched them in a tote but I think you turn them every four hours except when you are asleep. Someone here said they could take a extra week. If you are sure of the date of each egg see if they are active at that time. If I had waited I would have had a beautiful americauna.

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