Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Rachel'sFlock :

Trying an experiment, now, in the "off broody" season.
I have a small area under the nesting boxes wired off from the rest of the coop. I kept the babies in there until they were large enough to mingle with the year-olds. The door is rolled up so it is open at the moment.
No one has ever layed eggs in this area, but it has been a quiet, secluded spot from Day One. I have seen evidence of the new pullets rounding up some straw, but no eggs.
My broody always goes broody in her fave nesting box, but I am wondering if I can lure her to go broody in a more ideal location (on the floor, not 2 feet off the ground in a nesting box). I have placed a large cardboard box on it's side, with nesting straw and golf balls in one end, facing out. This leaves loads of room for a broody and babies to have a safe place to live, once they arrive.
She goes broody about every 4-6 weeks (maddening at best, with no fertile eggs) and has just begun laying again since last round.
I would love it if she would brood on her own in this new location, but even if she goes broody in her normal box, I now have somewhere to stash her, the golf balls, and later, precious fertile eggs. I can also close her in to he area, so she cannot return to the fave nesting box.
I have always broken her in a rabbit cage with wire bottom, and considered trying to move her into it, with a nest box, but don't want to confuse "this is where I go NOT broody" with a place to hatch chicks.
AliceAnn is a sucker for golfballs, so I am hoping she sniffs them out, and decides to like the new digs...

Have no idea what will happen here, but am trying to remain prepared as best I can for my next round of broody!
Has anyone else attempted to "create" a broody environment with any success?

Thanks, in advance!

Hi Rachel!
I've loved reading your chicken tales and am curious to hear the answers to this question. My last broody hatched in the favorite box. I painstakingly convinced the rest of the girls that another box is better. Now I have a broody in "the other box"!

Lacey had been sitting since Wednesday. She's my second sex-link to go broody this summer. So much for "rarely broody". I just got back from my favorite local breeder. I went to get 12 black copper marans eggs and she sent me home with 18! Poor Lacey is bursting at the seams!

I know with the heat we've had recently, there will be plenty of duds. I'm just hoping she does okay until day 7 or 8 when I can sort them out. These dark eggs are so hard to candle early!​
Got to get a closer peek after sitting in there for what seemed like hours. 3 more pipping as I type. There is an egg that definitely has something solid in it but it has an obvious dark ring around the center as if it was dunked like an easter egg. Bad? I truly lost count while trying to count and her trying to put them all together. I moved the 3 pippers close together nearer to where I can see them. All the newborns are ripping around eating and drinking and fighting and passing out from exhaustion. My guess is there are at least 12 to 15 eggs left in there. My worry is that they are so staggered we could be doing the egg dance for a month.
I had a major problem with broken eggs, dead chicks and me not being there for 3 days, I had someone feed the animals but she didn't check the broody she was afraid, the chicks and filthy egss under the broody had maggots!

I cleaned her and the eggs up as best i could the eggs were due to hatch this weekend I did a water test on the eggs in warm 100degree +/- only 5 of the 15 floated. I put them back under her in a clean nest and now nothing!!! I candled yest and no air sac:fl

should I take them away>??
she stole 2 eggs today and I am watching her VERY closely.
I just don't know what to do this is her second batch of eggs and she is still sitting!!!


someone help PLEASE!! pm me if you don't mind I have a hard time finding the replys
None of the 5 have an air sac? Have you found the page with the candling pictures? If they didn't look like those pictures, I'd be concerned too.

I'm so sorry your pet sitter left you such a mess.

The broody has chicks too? Where did they come from? Or were they just a mess in another pen?
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Two broody hens, one a smooth-feathered Silkie, and another a standard sized Cochin. The Silkie has a lovely, tidy little nest. The Cochin has a disgusting mess of a nest - is there any hope for those eggs?
Chicks are now 4 days old and so stinking cute! These are French Black Copper Marans and have a line of feathers down each leg. Does anyone know how to sex these?

Here they are with their two adopted mama hens, both Mille Fleur bantam Cochins:


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