Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Thank you so much!! I will move her when she is all done hatching and there all dry, I will move her nest box and litter with it and I will make sure there is plenty of clean dry little in the new coop. its a tiny coop, but her and babies will have bonding time that is safe from other big girls. this was only day nineteen for the eggs, i did not think we would see chicks for another 2 days! is it alright to take a peek at what she has tonight or is it to dangerous ? we looked this morning as we were going to take her out side but heard a peep so looked, but she was right on getting that chick back under her. I just do not want her to harm them if we bother her. this is the most exciting thing since we got our fir ever chicks last spring!!! So hard to believe she is a mama, but she is in constant broodness LOL
Do I provide chick food, and adult food? I heard mama will eat the chick food to. gee, you would think I just had a baby and did not know anything LOL
Sorry for the confusion! She's a Pekin hen! She has 5 Pekin hen eggs under her and 1 silkie!

I was right! The hatch is on - have one beautiful little yellow ball of fluff, cheeping loudly when Mummy went for a bite to eat! Another one cracked! So, here's hoping! Far too excited to check the others out!

Thank you so much!! I will move her when she is all done hatching and there all dry, I will move her nest box and litter with it and I will make sure there is plenty of clean dry little in the new coop. its a tiny coop, but her and babies will have bonding time that is safe from other big girls. this was only day nineteen for the eggs, i did not think we would see chicks for another 2 days! is it alright to take a peek at what she has tonight or is it to dangerous ? we looked this morning as we were going to take her out side but heard a peep so looked, but she was right on getting that chick back under her. I just do not want her to harm them if we bother her. this is the most exciting thing since we got our fir ever chicks last spring!!! So hard to believe she is a mama, but she is in constant broodness LOL
Do I provide chick food, and adult food? I heard mama will eat the chick food to. gee, you would think I just had a baby and did not know anything LOL

She will ear chick feed, i feed Purina Flock raiser so they can all eat the same thing. So far all my broodies have hatch early and i have it counted down to the day on the calender..
And if Mama is mellow then by all means look under her, it's an experience you won't forget.. We''ll be waiting to hear the news and pics too.
had a broody hatch yesterday. A black Sumatra, she won't let me see what she has. Another due tomorrow to start her hatch. And a pic of my latest broody. This makes 6 so far this year

Love it stony what a cutie
When you get a chance go see my thread mama took hers on a field trip this morning.
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My squashed chick is still extremely weak - goddess knows how long she was sitting there squashed - however, I did peel off the rest of the shell and she's 'out'. No blood at all and the yolk was fully absorbed. Poor thing is just lying there peeping so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
My squashed chick is still extremely weak - goddess knows how long she was sitting there squashed - however, I did peel off the rest of the shell and she's 'out'. No blood at all and the yolk was fully absorbed. Poor thing is just lying there peeping so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Oh good news!!!! Once she rests hopefully she will get some strength..... Love to see a picture of her sans shell.
Oh good news!!!! Once she rests hopefully she will get some strength..... Love to see a picture of her sans shell.

I'll post one in a bit. Chick looks extremely tired but is still moving and breathing. Although I am rooting for it and it would be awesome if I managed to save it, I know it's touch and go - it certainly was destined to death shortly if I hadn't found it so it's up to the chick now, I did what I could. I checked the eggs under the broodies again and none of the other eggs appear to have pipped.

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