Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

That's trickier. When they hatch you can try and see if she will raise them by slipping them under her in the evening and checking to see what happens, but with the week olds already there she may reject the day olds. I guess it will come down to whether the week olds are troubled by the day olds and whether she wants to momma anything that cheeps. I've had broodies take over chicks from other broodies, usually it's a silky who will take over the mothering.

Right now I have three girls with chicks. Two of the girls have 3 weeks olds (silky and Maran) and one has 4 week olds (RIR). I've noticed that the silky and her chicks stay pretty much by themselves, but on occasion the little OE will mingle with the EE and WL chicks. But the Maran and RIR often mingle their chicks. The Maran is the one who doesn't mind the older chicks with her younger ones. The RIR tolerates it because she's lower on the pecking order then the Maran. None of the younger chicks has minded the older ones with them.

So I guess I'm saying it's a risk, but you could try it.
Ok...thanks for your help! I think I will just see when they hatch what the age difference is
I have a brooder area set to go so either way it is ok. I was just hoping my broody would be able to raise them all since the were supposed to hatch together
Guess these babies have other plans...LOL!!!
Hi again

Just want to report that I have a second broody that I set last night with a mixture of exchequer leghorn, cream legbar, RIRXCL and one of her own, which will be a true mutt as she is a silkie cross and it's by the CL rooster. Thought it was only fair for her to keep at least one of her own and she is such a pretty little hen.

My previous brood are now 9 weeks and all 13 are doing really well. The boys are doing their utmost to charm me out of the idea of processing them for meat, whilst the girls want nothing to do with me! Typical!

So excited about having some new fluffy babies in 3 weeks though and especially interested to see how the cross breeds turn out.

Anyone else got a broody that's just set?



Luna and Turkey Dinner (Nugget). TD is a chicken, but looks like a turkey lol.

Anyways, when do broodies start laying eggs again? Luna started laying when Turkey was maybe 2 weeks old.
I've been busy! I have 4 blue d'uccle chicks! I also have 3 moms with one baby each! two moms live together. All of the babies are around two weeks old.

Question.... Could i try to put the 4 blue d'uccles with the two moms and their two babies? Would this work or be a disaster?
Ok, I went outside last night to move my broody and see how many eggs she has. Lifted her up and you will never guess what we found under her. Please, make a few guesses before I tell you. LOL

My broody Salmon Favorolle. She doesn't have a name.
Ok, I went outside last night to move my broody and see how many eggs she has. Lifted her up and you will never guess what we found under her. [COLOR=FF0000]Please, make a few guesses before I tell you.[/COLOR] LOL My broody Salmon Favorolle. She doesn't have a name.
If she's like my broodies she will squeeze as many as she can grab and hide. I found a clutch of 13 eggs once before she got to try and hatch them.
I've been busy! I have 4 blue d'uccle chicks! I also have 3 moms with one baby each! two moms live together. All of the babies are around two weeks old.

Question.... Could i try to put the 4 blue d'uccles with the two moms and their two babies? Would this work or be a disaster?

I wouldn't do more than a couple of days difference with most of my broodies. A silkyigjt take a divided clutch but it's risky.
If she's like my broodies she will squeeze as many as she can grab and hide. I found a clutch of 13 eggs once before she got to try and hatch them.

No, she can't pull more into the crate but the other hens lay on her and lay their eggs. I just removed 6 last night and she still had 8. I could have taken 2 more but didn't know how many spots I had left in my incubator.

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