Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Day 5 of my broody sitting on eggs, and I already want to see the chicks! She's sitting on BCM, OE, Cherry eggers, and Belgian D'Uccles. So excited to see the babies
( especially the bantams)
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Anyone mind if I join with a broody goose? If she's successful, it'll be her first time with babies. I think I'm as excited about it as she is :lol:
Ebony the Phoenix has four cute little chicks! But she was still sitting on one egg...she was moving it in and out of the nest with the chicks. Yesterday when she was sitting outside I was able to get it and I tossed it. But she is still sitting and not moving around with her chicks...I wonder if she has another egg under there. I will try to check again in a little bit. The chicks seem ok but I don't know. She is not happy with me messing about.
Funny you should reference TJ's fertile eggs. I just heard about an attempt to hatch their eggs. As you predict there was a low hatch rate but a couple did hatch and look like white leghorns. -DB
I've hatched TJ eggs - cute little leghorn types! Winco, Whole Foods and Raleys in some places also carry fertile eggs. It's pretty amazing to see an egg that has been washed, sanitized, refridgerated and shipped hatch into a little fuzzy butt.
Anyone mind if I join with a broody goose? If she's successful, it'll be her first time with babies. I think I'm as excited about it as she is
I think that is great. I have heard that a goose can not be relocated once she goes broody, that you have to let her set in the nest of her choosing?

It sounds like you need to create a 'safe box' or broody nest area at ground level.... if coop access is the only problem then just make the hen a comfy location at ground level in the run for her to go at night. You can use a medium animal carrier or build a small box out of scrap wood.

Coop access and night time nesting are frustrating with broodies but to me it is a trade off for the reward of having hens raise the little ones.

It sounds like you need to create a 'safe box' or broody nest area at ground level.... if coop access is the only problem then just make the hen a comfy location at ground level in the run for her to go at night. You can use a medium animal carrier or build a small box out of scrap wood.

Coop access and night time nesting are frustrating with broodies but to me it is a trade off for the reward of having hens raise the little ones.
Great idea! I need to make some changes to the coop anyway so I will probably try and lower it but that should work until then.
Another questions for you experts - If I keep the chicks in the brooder until tomorrow night will it be to late to try and put them back with Mamas? It would be 2 days in the brooder.

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