Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Falling is not an option.  Birds getting injuries while young can get marek's later.  I forget where I saw it but rough handling,mishaps, temp and  stress can reverse a marek's vaccine.  If you don't vaccinate don't matter because they pick up the immunity from the flock and it can get reversed.  They are very fragile even with green limbs.  Also, at 3 weeks 80 F is the lowest they should have to encounter.  Don't worry they will be grown up before you know it and Mom can start teaching them survival skills later.  Lot's of time for that.  So keep them warm so they can live to learn it.

The thing about reversing the vaccination isn't true. They don't even use real Marek's when they vaccinate so the vaccine can't give them Marek's, and rough handling wouldn't cause a bird to lose antibodies that it made in response to the vaccine. Not sure where that was posted but wherever it was was wrong :p

For anyone curious, since they use a turkey disease to vaccinate for Marek's, a bird that is vaccinated actually CAN get Marek's, they just don't show symptoms. They'd have to pick it up from wild birds or other chickens, though, they can't get it from the vaccine.
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Well I checked on the flock after a while & found 5 chicks stayed on the roost next to their mama. Two chicks decided to return to a nest box. Because it's cold, they snuggled up with my huge fluffy Coronation Sussex. The big CS refuses to sleep on the roost. She's 10 months old & still sleeps (& Poops) all night long in a nest. I've given up on teaching her. But for tonight, it works. I know the 2 chicks will be warm next to her. (They're 5 weeks old & get along with that hen.)
The thing about reversing the vaccination isn't true. They don't even use real Marek's when they vaccinate so the vaccine can't give them Marek's, and rough handling wouldn't cause a bird to lose antibodies that it made in response to the vaccine. Not sure where that was posted but wherever it was was wrong

For anyone curious, since they use a turkey disease to vaccinate for Marek's, a bird that is vaccinated actually CAN get Marek's, they just don't show symptoms. They'd have to pick it up from wild birds or other chickens, though, they can't get it from the vaccine.
Okay but mine was vaccinated and got MD so I guess they can still get it period with or without it.
I don't know how else to explain it. And he had the symptoms otherwise I would not have known. That being said if you leave a chick out in the cold it will be susceptible to any and every disease more than one with feathers and fat. chicks have 0% fat, just think about what you are doing please.
Anything that stresses a bird or human can cause immune deficiency and that is how I would explain them getting Marek's after a vaccine. Marek's is a virus, if you get a cold, there is no cure, but you could end up with bronchitis, pneumonia, infected nose, throat, and ears. Increased allergies is a sign of stress so maybe they are not allergic to anything but they could get Marek's.
It is true they have to be exposed to it and the vaccine will not protect them so anything stressful will compound the pressure on their "immune" system. Thanks for making me rethink this devastating time for my family. Life is not fair. When I find the source of my info I will post it in case you care.
Okay but mine was vaccinated and got MD so I guess they can still get it period with or without it.
I don't know how else to explain it.  And he had the symptoms otherwise I would not have known.  That being said if you leave a chick out in the cold it will be susceptible to any and every disease more than one with feathers and fat.  chicks have 0% fat, just think about what you are doing please.
Anything that stresses a bird or human can cause immune deficiency and that is how I would explain them getting Marek's after a vaccine.  Marek's is a virus, if you get a cold, there is no cure, but you could end up with bronchitis, pneumonia, infected nose, throat, and ears.  Increased allergies is a sign of stress so maybe they are not allergic to anything but they could get Marek's.
It is true they have to be exposed to it and the vaccine will not protect them so anything stressful will compound the pressure on their "immune" system.  Thanks for making me rethink this devastating time for my family.  Life is not fair.  When I find the source of my info I will post it in case you care.

Sure, I'd like to see it. As a vet student it would be interesting to see, especially if they have sources to back it up. It is true that stressing them out can weaken their immune system. Did you know the Marek's vaccine can become less effective over time? There are boosters that you can give every so often to keep them safe. It also isn't as effective if not given within a certain time period. I wonder if that is what happened with yours. Have you seen this article? Might help you if you have Marek's in the flock. I'd also like to say they only say the vaccine is 90% effective, so yours might be in that 10% :( Sorry you're dealing with this, didn't know you had Marek's in your flock and didn't mean any offense, just wanted to pass on what I know.
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My Mama hen takes her chicks to the roost as soon as she can. The chicks tuck under her wings. She is an Austerloupe and had 6 chicks Typically she had 3 on each side. I would go out at night and lift each wing to count the chicks. She kept them under her wings until they no longer fit. I have not had a chick fall off the roost. When they got older the bigger hens would often peck them off. But by then they can fly down. The roost is about 6 feet off the ground.
[COLOR=333333]VPATT If it is in the fifty to sixty degree range will they be ok outside at 3 weeks old? Should i take them out and put them by her on the roost? [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Emphatic No.  Did not quote you on my previous post but I was trying to get a message to you.  See above please.[/COLOR]

Thanks....i can keep them inside at night until they are older. I will see today if she lets them stay with her during the day.
Will silkies take in chicks this age? I don't have any silkies, but it might be worth having one if it might help with situations in the future. If one of the cochin chicks is a frizzle then i have someone who will trade me a silkie for a frizzle. I have heard lots about silkies...guess i will skip on over to a silkie thread and see what i can learn.
I do have another question.....if a broody begins to lay again.....then is it more of a hormonal thing for her to leave her chicks....something she cannot really help? I have been thinking of it as a choice they make when it is probably not, lol.
Giving them human characteristics.

The little cochin mama and daddy are taking care of their four babies. She took them outside yesterday and last night she could not get them back inside. She went back and fluffed herself over them....she would not leave them. They allowed me to get everyone back inside. I hope one is frizzled like her.
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My flock has mareks, and I lose birds to it every year. Mareks vaccine does not prevent them from catching the disease, it helps prevent the symptoms, and tumors from growing on the Organs. With that being said, a bird can still easily die from it, but if you do an autopsy, the tumors wouldn't be as wide spread and large. A stressful time and/or mistreatment can compromise the immune system, however, it would need to be continuous and often to really do any damage. One or two freak accidents won't affect the health of a young bird dramatically. Also, some breeds, and ages are more susceptible Than others. For instance, in my experience, ameraucanas and other blue egg layers are more suceptible than marans. Also, a bird is more likely to die from mareks between 8-10 weeks, and again around laying age. Also, the vaccine is less likely to be as effective in naturally brooded chicks, do to them not having the ideal minimum of 3 week incubation separate from other birds. Just wanted to clear up some stuff about it.
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