Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Remove. I had a broody hen hatch another hen’s eggs in a nest box, in a coop, with the rest of my flock. This was the first time raising chickens and I wasn’t experienced and unaware. Eight chicks were hatched, two were attacked after being hatched. I was able to save seven of the chicks but one was killed. I moved them to a brooder heater, hand fed them and they survived. They are all 2 yrs old now :) I just wanted to warn anyone who is planning on leaving a hen to hatch chicks with the flock. This article doesn’t mention dangers when leaving the hen and chicks with the flock. And I had just assumed that the chicks would be fine with other hens.
Remove. I had a broody hen hatch another hen’s eggs in a nest box, in a coop, with the rest of my flock. This was the first time raising chickens and I wasn’t experienced and unaware. I assumed that the chicks would be fine after hatching. Eight chicks were hatched, two were attacked after being hatched. I was able to save seven of the chicks but one was killed. I moved them to a brooder heater, hand fed them and they survived. They are all 2 yrs old now :) I just wanted to warn anyone who is planning on leaving a hen to hatch chicks with the flock.
Some flocks (or individual hens) need to be seperate from chicks. Some don't. Unless a hen hatches a chick or more I really want to keep an eye on, I generally leave them with the flock. Occasionally I'll seperate if the mama isn't the brightest or is a new mama that didn't co-nest, but most don't have any separation at all
I had a broody hen that was sitting on 4 eggs. I marked them since other hens would regularly snuggle up next to her to lay their eggs and then leave them to her. That way we could collect the others and let her have the four since we are relatively new to this and don't want to lose too many if it doesn't work again (we tried this once before). So, about two weeks in, two other hens set up shop in the two adjoining nesting boxes on either side of the main broody mama. Trouble is, they were sitting on ceramic eggs that we had put out to train some other hens. I decided to take away the ceramic eggs to force them out and break their broody streak since I don't want to hatch more than the four others at this time. Unfortunately, it did not quite work that way. When I took away the ceramic eggs, they both climbed in on top of my main broody hen and have been sitting on top of her since. I have tried everything to make them move, even putting the ceramic eggs back, but they just keep going back to sit on top of her. I went out this morning and I had one little head sticking out of one egg and a little pip on another egg, but since they were all sitting all helter skelter, I wasn't sure how this would work or if they would fight over or kill the babies like that, so on the advice of a local chicken dad, I moved one mom and the two hatching eggs to a separate broody coop. I left the other two that hadn't started hatching yet with the other two hens. The problem I am having is that A) The once chick was already getting cold from being uncovered since even though there were three in there, they managed to not get it covered. The mom I separated has been trying to cover it and keep it warm now, but it was laid out and pretty lethargic so I don't know if it will make it now. Any suggestions on anything I can do to help or should I just let the hen do her thing? and B) I still have two hens sitting on the other two eggs that should be hatching any day now. Should I pull them out and put them with the hen already sitting on chicks or leave them with the other two? Or try to separate them and let one of them raise the other two. It's nearly impossible to separate them short of putting one of them in a separate coop, and I am running out of separate coops! I'm sorry this is so long but I hope it's understandable. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Remove. I had a broody hen hatch another hen’s eggs in a nest box, in a coop, with the rest of my flock. This was the first time raising chickens and I wasn’t experienced and unaware. I assumed that the chicks would be fine after hatching. Eight chicks were hatched, two were attacked after being hatched. I was able to save seven of the chicks but one was killed. I moved them to a brooder heater, hand fed them and they survived. They are all 2 yrs old now :) I just wanted to warn anyone who is planning on leaving a hen to hatch chicks with the flock.
Agreed - the hens should be protected from the rest of the flock, I do keep my broody mums in the nest box they choose, but I screen it off so that the rest can’t mess with her and the chicks.
I had a broody hen that was sitting on 4 eggs. I marked them since other hens would regularly snuggle up next to her to lay their eggs and then leave them to her. That way we could collect the others and let her have the four since we are relatively new to this and don't want to lose too many if it doesn't work again (we tried this once before). So, about two weeks in, two other hens set up shop in the two adjoining nesting boxes on either side of the main broody mama. Trouble is, they were sitting on ceramic eggs that we had put out to train some other hens. I decided to take away the ceramic eggs to force them out and break their broody streak since I don't want to hatch more than the four others at this time. Unfortunately, it did not quite work that way. When I took away the ceramic eggs, they both climbed in on top of my main broody hen and have been sitting on top of her since. I have tried everything to make them move, even putting the ceramic eggs back, but they just keep going back to sit on top of her. I went out this morning and I had one little head sticking out of one egg and a little pip on another egg, but since they were all sitting all helter skelter, I wasn't sure how this would work or if they would fight over or kill the babies like that, so on the advice of a local chicken dad, I moved one mom and the two hatching eggs to a separate broody coop. I left the other two that hadn't started hatching yet with the other two hens. The problem I am having is that A) The once chick was already getting cold from being uncovered since even though there were three in there, they managed to not get it covered. The mom I separated has been trying to cover it and keep it warm now, but it was laid out and pretty lethargic so I don't know if it will make it now. Any suggestions on anything I can do to help or should I just let the hen do her thing? and B) I still have two hens sitting on the other two eggs that should be hatching any day now. Should I pull them out and put them with the hen already sitting on chicks or leave them with the other two? Or try to separate them and let one of them raise the other two. It's nearly impossible to separate them short of putting one of them in a separate coop, and I am running out of separate coops! I'm sorry this is so long but I hope it's understandable. Thanks in advance for any advice!
I would put the remaining eggs under the hen that has the chick that has already hatched and move the other 2 to another coop or large dog crate to break them. I have never separated a broody and her chicks from the flock and haven't had any problems, but that's your call. I had 1 broody this year hatch 3 clutches, each without issue from the flock. I do keep a close eye on first time broodies when the hatching begins to make sure they are clucking sweet and caring for the chicks, after that I leave them be. It is a beautiful thing watching a hen raise chicks with the flock! I hope it all works out and would love to see pics! This is Dahlia with her last hatch (she's a perfect momma)


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Just an update on my crazy hens! :) Of the two chicks my main broody hen hatched, one of them died the next day. The other one is growing like crazy and seems healthy. As far as the other two eggs, I did attempt, as was suggested, to remove them that day from the two hens that were sitting on each other and give them to the mom with the chicks, but they totally freaked out and camped out in front of of the cage with the mamma and her chicks, flaring up, squawking like crazy and just causing a terrible ruckus. I finally put them back in the nesting box that the two hens had been sitting in and they immediately went back to sitting on the eggs together. One hatched the next day, it looked dead for most of the day whenever I was able to get the two hens off it to check on it, but the next morning it was up and about and seems fine now. It is quite a bit smaller than the other chick that hatched the day before. Both of the hens continue to sit on it and share it together. They take turns getting up to eat and walking it around and both are extremely protective of it. After several days, the final egg had not hatched so I removed it and candled it and could not see anything in it, so I assumed it was a dead/bad egg and took it out in the field and tapped it with a trowel and it popped loud and oozed all over. So that is the end of that one. All seems to be well with the others now. It's been a neat learning experience and I hope that they both will survive as all three of the hens seem to be very good moms. It got down into the low 40's a couple of nights so I was a bit worried for them, but the moms are keeping them warm. Thanks for the advice and for being a listening ear!
Just an update on my crazy hens! :) Of the two chicks my main broody hen hatched, one of them died the next day. The other one is growing like crazy and seems healthy. As far as the other two eggs, I did attempt, as was suggested, to remove them that day from the two hens that were sitting on each other and give them to the mom with the chicks, but they totally freaked out and camped out in front of of the cage with the mamma and her chicks, flaring up, squawking like crazy and just causing a terrible ruckus. I finally put them back in the nesting box that the two hens had been sitting in and they immediately went back to sitting on the eggs together. One hatched the next day, it looked dead for most of the day whenever I was able to get the two hens off it to check on it, but the next morning it was up and about and seems fine now. It is quite a bit smaller than the other chick that hatched the day before. Both of the hens continue to sit on it and share it together. They take turns getting up to eat and walking it around and both are extremely protective of it. After several days, the final egg had not hatched so I removed it and candled it and could not see anything in it, so I assumed it was a dead/bad egg and took it out in the field and tapped it with a trowel and it popped loud and oozed all over. So that is the end of that one. All seems to be well with the others now. It's been a neat learning experience and I hope that they both will survive as all three of the hens seem to be very good moms. It got down into the low 40's a couple of nights so I was a bit worried for them, but the moms are keeping them warm. Thanks for the advice and for being a listening ear!
So glad the mums are caring for their wee charges - they will keep the chicks warm, I have had chicks this time of year here.

Right now I have a hen sitting on 2 eggs - it will be very cold when those babies hatch in about 10 days. Likely have some snow by then, but mama will keep them warm, and I will put them in the office/feedroom where it’s warm at night.

Chickens are pretty tough!
Our first broody and batch. Got some "should be fertilized" eggs from a friend to try "I don't know if this will work" bc Noisey Girl would not break (Nov in Indiana of all times haha)

Popped 12 under her, day 10 --4 for certain duds(not fertilized), one cracked, 7 left. If those 7, six hatched! Mama moved them to ground last night-probably to eat and drink herself. Now to wait to see her move with them around her area!

Friend had Australorp/Orpington/wayndott in variety of mixes


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