Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I'm not very happy with my mamma hen at the moment. Her chick is 2 weeks old today and yesterday was the first time I allowed the two of them outside to mingle with the rest of the flock. (I have had them in a fenced off area of the coop so the little one can get used to the others and so the rest of the flock doesn't eat all his baby chick food.) It was so nice outside yesterday that I thought I would let them run around outside. I opened the fencing and went to check on them a bit later and found the chick cheeping like crazy in the coop and found mom outside with the rest of the flock. I put the baby with her and all was well for a couple of hours. Went back to check again and found the chick crying and getting pecked by the flock, mom was in a nest box in the coop. I finally gathered both up and put them back behind the fence together.
My last two moms never left their babies side and never let the rest of the flock close to them, when they cried, they were frantic to find them. I followed this same protocol with the last two. I don't know what is wrong with this mom. She is very attentive to him behind the fence when they are together but doesn't seem to take care of him outside their area. Anyone else have this problem?

year before last my lil red bantam cochin went broody her first time, soon as the chicks were hatched she lost interest, I had to lock her up with them for a couiple weeks so she would keep them warm, finally at 3 weeks old she abandon them, they were pretty much fending for themselves by then anyway, needless to say i decided not to let her brood again but evidently she has chosen that for herself she hasn't gone broody since. You just never know.
Is this her first time? I know this is Smokeys first and she has left her babies outside when they didn't follow her in at night. She just stayed inside and clucked at them. I have helped them inside two nights now. She's good at keeping them with her during the day when she's out in the run.

This is her first time. My concern is she wasn't even clucking to the little one when he was lost, just going about her business. I have a fenced off area outside in the chicken yard that I keep up for emergencies. It has a retrofitted doghouse in it. I'm thinking about carrying her and baby out to it during the day so they can get some fresh air and sun the next several days that are going to be really nice here and see how that goes. I'm thinking she was cooped up for almost 2 weeks (opened the human door on nice afternoons to give them fresh air but that's not the same) and she was just happy to be out and about. That will give her some outside time and she can't loose the baby.
This is her first time. My concern is she wasn't even clucking to the little one when he was lost, just going about her business. I have a fenced off area outside in the chicken yard that I keep up for emergencies. It has a retrofitted doghouse in it. I'm thinking about carrying her and baby out to it during the day so they can get some fresh air and sun the next several days that are going to be really nice here and see how that goes. I'm thinking she was cooped up for almost 2 weeks (opened the human door on nice afternoons to give them fresh air but that's not the same) and she was just happy to be out and about. That will give her some outside time and she can't loose the baby.

very good idea.
Ugh! She did it again. That's 3 nights in a row. I went out to close up the run and everyone was inside except the 2 wellies. They were outside screeching for her and running around. She was inside clucking for them with the AM tucked under her. I caught them and walked them up the ramp they happily found her once inside. I may need something at the doorway if they can't figure out the ramp soon. Then again soon they should be able to fly up inside the coop.
Ugh! She did it again. That's 3 nights in a row. I went out to close up the run and everyone was inside except the 2 wellies. They were outside screeching for her and running around. She was inside clucking for them with the AM tucked under her. I caught them and walked them up the ramp they happily found her once inside. I may need something at the doorway if they can't figure out the ramp soon. Then again soon they should be able to fly up inside the coop.

I sure did enjoy the video you posted earlier, Smokey is a good mama, and about the 2 chicks left out, she is trying her best to get them to come in i have aseen mine do it too. It usually takes a couple days to master the ramp then they are all under mama. All the clucking is to let them know where she is.
I sure did enjoy the video you posted earlier, Smokey is a good mama, and about the 2 chicks left out, she is trying her best to get them to come in i have aseen mine do it too. It usually takes a couple days to master the ramp then they are all under mama. All the clucking is to let them know where she is.

Well, on day five, Ipicked up the butt of my buff and found a big poo, so I moved her enough to remove the poo, cause some of it was on an egg, ever since then, she's been off/on the nest. yesterday she was roosting on the stoop of another nest box and when I tried to put her with the eggs, she threw a fit. I have her penned off from the rest of the coop. Is she done? I'm so upset.
Yesterday I cracked one egg open, and it had veins and an eye and everything, so they were developing. I haven't gone out yet this morning, but if she still isn't on the nest should I give it up and release her back to the flock, or give it another day? How long can they be cold?
I'm sorry

I would check on her this morning and see if she's on the eggs - then form a plan of action. If it was cold last night, but not freezing, I think there's still a chance for them to develop. But if she's not staying on the nest, then she's probably not ready to be broody. You may have to put them in a bator or use another broody?

Well, on day five, Ipicked up the butt of my buff and found a big poo, so I moved her enough to remove the poo, cause some of it was on an egg, ever since then, she's been off/on the nest. yesterday she was roosting on the stoop of another nest box and when I tried to put her with the eggs, she threw a fit. I have her penned off from the rest of the coop. Is she done? I'm so upset.
Yesterday I cracked one egg open, and it had veins and an eye and everything, so they were developing. I haven't gone out yet this morning, but if she still isn't on the nest should I give it up and release her back to the flock, or give it another day? How long can they be cold?
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Thank you both!
I sure did enjoy the video you posted earlier, Smokey is a good mama, and about the 2 chicks left out, she is trying her best to get them to come in i have aseen mine do it too. It usually takes a couple days to master the ramp then they are all under mama. All the clucking is to let them know where she is.
Congrats! Can't wait to see the baby pics!

Went out this morning and i can hear at least 2 peeps.... now to wait until she gets up and lets me have a peek.... I take my camera every time I go out... Just in case.. I will post as soon as I see them little chicks...

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