Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Smokey has been taking up to 2 hours to sit in the nest box and lay her eggs each day. I'm wondering if she's just trying to get back in the hang of things - or if she's trying to go broody. The black AM baby, whom some people think may be a pullet (YEAH) now named "Ebony" must have been getting lonely. She climbed into the nest box to hang out too. She started out in her own nest box and moved over to join momma Smokey.

How funny! Maybe their biology is inconsistent and they just do what they feel, even if fleeting! Most of mine like to share as well, although "Mean Della" likes her space and will peck the others out so she can lay.

I candled the WL eggs, and two are certainly a no-go. But the third I left under her. I don't see movement, but it looks markedly different than when I looked a week ago.
Smokey has been taking up to 2 hours to sit in the nest box and lay her eggs each day. I'm wondering if she's just trying to get back in the hang of things - or if she's trying to go broody. The black AM baby, whom some people think may be a pullet (YEAH) now named "Ebony" must have been getting lonely. She climbed into the nest box to hang out too. She started out in her own nest box and moved over to join momma Smokey.

cute pic, she's taking lessons.

Here are a couple new photos. Do you guys think it looks more like a Cochin or a Delaware? There are some foot feathers, but not as much as the father's.

The broody Party Rock talks to him/her... I did dip its beak in water then food... seems to be pecking about now. At least she lets me handle the fuzzy without incident!

So... what's my next move? Do I open the area after a couple of days? Assuming the other doesn't hatch, will this one be okay on its own with the adults?
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Here are a couple new photos. Do you guys think it looks more like a Cochin or a Delaware? There are some foot feathers, but not as much as the father's.

The broody Party Rock talks to him/her... I did dip its beak in water then food... seems to be pecking about now. At least she lets me handle the fuzzy without incident!

So... what's my next move? Do I open the area after a couple of days? Assuming the other doesn't hatch, will this one be okay on its own with the adults?
Adorable! I let mine out officially about 3 days after they hatched. But I kept a close watch on her and the baby.
Here are a couple new photos. Do you guys think it looks more like a Cochin or a Delaware? There are some foot feathers, but not as much as the father's.

The broody Party Rock talks to him/her... I did dip its beak in water then food... seems to be pecking about now. At least she lets me handle the fuzzy without incident!

So... what's my next move? Do I open the area after a couple of days? Assuming the other doesn't hatch, will this one be okay on its own with the adults?

Mama will guard that chick with her life. and she will teach it to eat and drink to. Usually about 3 days after hatch they usually like to take them out. My bantam just got hers out for the first time today and they just turned 1 week old but they usually don't wait that long. looks like cochin to me.
Our first time letting a broody hatch! So excited. If it's a roo, the chicky will be named Freddy! For fri. the 13th!!!! It's so precious! Nana (the barred rock broody) is so sweet too. She has not once got onto us about the chick or the eggs, but let another chicken come close and WATCH OUT!

YAY!! It can be done!! My little Barred rock hen has been sitting on the nest clucking and screeching for about 2 weeks I had given up on her going broody until now!! Maybe just maybe!! VERY cute chick BTW. Congrats!
Mine's hatched today. Should I take them

Why would you take them? Usually the broody takes care of the chicks and keeps them safe/warm. Teaches them how to find food and water. I'd leave them with the broody unless there's a safety issue. Make sure they won't fall out of the nest and check on momma & babies occasionally. Most important is to post pics so we can say how cute they are.
Why would you take them? Usually the broody takes care of the chicks and keeps them safe/warm. Teaches them how to find food and water. I'd leave them with the broody unless there's a safety issue. Make sure they won't fall out of the nest and check on momma & babies occasionally. Most important is to post pics so we can say how cute they are.

x2 and congrats on your little ones!

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