Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I think humidity does matter alot more...here is what I noticed. I was not planning to be having so many hens go broody. Nature had her own plans, so when they started sitting I thought OK, great! When Moe my fav hen went missing and then showed up for scratch time then took off, I knew she too had a nest, only in the woods, (now she'd prob be fine,but once the peeps started it would drag every hunter to her in no time so i went to collect the nest) and what a beautiful nest. It was lined with soft leaves and feathers and dug down into the dirt, eggs first then all the lining and i sccoped up as much dirt as I could (I'd stuffed Moe in my jacket while I was doing this what a grumpy fluffball) and i quickly rebuilt the nest, dirt first (I added some more dirt since I started hitting the briars and had a few stuck in my hand) I tried to get it as I found it, course, she'd have to snuggled the eggs in better than me! She did. And i was happy she went right back on the eggs immediately.
All the other hens had nest boxes with some straw and pine chips, they all had around 15 eggs in each nest, I gave pepper 8 more since she started with 6. They all hatched about half the eggs. Moe hatched all but two.
I remember from reading or somewhere, to lay sod green side down in the nest boxes, then put straw on that, it came back to me taking that nest apart, and it stands to reason doesn't it, they do nest on the ground after all, besides humidity, the dirt will hold temp better too. And why are they scratching around so much when laying...to get down to the dirt? The bottom of Moe's box was damp when I cleaned it.
I am going to line my boxes with dirt now, maybe 3 inches packed down, with wood chips on top of that, I can see for myself it made a huge difference and wish I'd try it sooner. Now, of course, I have about 25 chicks just hatched out, so doubt I'll have another broody so soon, but of course that's when it will happen.
I think humidity does matter alot more...here is what I noticed. I was not planning to be having so many hens go broody. Nature had her own plans, so when they started sitting I thought OK, great! When Moe my fav hen went missing and then showed up for scratch time then took off, I knew she too had a nest, only in the woods, (now she'd prob be fine,but once the peeps started it would drag every hunter to her in no time so i went to collect the nest) and what a beautiful nest. It was lined with soft leaves and feathers and dug down into the dirt, eggs first then all the lining and i sccoped up as much dirt as I could (I'd stuffed Moe in my jacket while I was doing this what a grumpy fluffball) and i quickly rebuilt the nest, dirt first (I added some more dirt since I started hitting the briars and had a few stuck in my hand) I tried to get it as I found it, course, she'd have to snuggled the eggs in better than me! She did. And i was happy she went right back on the eggs immediately. All the other hens had nest boxes with some straw and pine chips, they all had around 15 eggs in each nest, I gave pepper 8 more since she started with 6. They all hatched about half the eggs. Moe hatched all but two. I remember from reading or somewhere, to lay sod green side down in the nest boxes, then put straw on that, it came back to me taking that nest apart, and it stands to reason doesn't it, they do nest on the ground after all, besides humidity, the dirt will hold temp better too. And why are they scratching around so much when laying...to get down to the dirt? The bottom of Moe's box was damp when I cleaned it. I am going to line my boxes with dirt now, maybe 3 inches packed down, with wood chips on top of that, I can see for myself it made a huge difference and wish I'd try it sooner. Now, of course, I have about 25 chicks just hatched out, so doubt I'll have another broody so soon, but of course that's when it will happen.

That makes total sense and is something I would have never thought of! Thanks for sharing.
Eeeekkk more broken eggs, no hatches and this time I saw maggots. This seems disasterous. Will my other eggs hatch now or is it just over? I cleaned the nests after each broken egg but it didn't help. Now what to do, eggs are due 17-21st of this month.

why can't you completely move her and the eggs dump the litter and all - put fresh litter and put her back in? i know adding sevin won't work, since the eggs are there- just a thought

off to make a community broody enclosure, 4 broodies, all due to hatch next week, and they took all the nest boxes.....
why can't you completely move her and the eggs dump the litter and all - put fresh litter and put her back in? i know adding sevin won't work, since the eggs are there- just a thought

off to make a community broody enclosure, 4 broodies, all due to hatch next week, and they took all the nest boxes.....

I'd never add Sevin poison to a nest!! Eggs are porous and will absorb that... birth defects galore :/ clean the bedding out.....
Hoping everything works out for you Tripp - so sorry you're going through this. Sounds like I need to get some Oxine to have on hand for future issues.
Im telling you! It would be the best thing! This stuff is a nightmare! I still think Im going to lose one of my silkies. The other one is getting better and my poor BO wants to go broody but she is still a little congested and sneezes some. Lets hope she will get better soon!

Thanks for the kind words everyone.
Well after a week of gloom and doom, I have good news!

Well, I was giving Miss Henrietta some scratch this morning and as she lifted up to eat I saw a egg. I picked it up and listened to it and it PEEPED, and Scratched on the shell!
Hopefully chicks soon!
why can't you completely move her and the eggs dump the litter and all - put fresh litter and put her back in? i know adding sevin won't work, since the eggs are there- just a thought

off to make a community broody enclosure, 4 broodies, all due to hatch next week, and they took all the nest boxes.....
Well part of them are in lock down and I didn't know if I could move them during that time. Also my girls are really picky and everytime I've moved them to clean they've gotten irritated and it's taken some strong arming to get them back into the nest. If I clean them what can I clean them with that will not harm the eggs?

We've got a ton of flies around this year - no winter snow to get rid of everything and too much poop hanging around for them to eat. Flies of course equals lots of maggots. I hate flies, but I hate maggots even more!

Hang in there -- they may still hatch since it's just the 18th. Give it a few more days. You can get the maggots out of there and clean up again and candle them at the same time. But won't the momma eat the maggots?
I don't know if they will eat them, I would think so. I think I was just taken back when I checked them and saw them on the eggs.
Well after a week of gloom and doom, I have good news!

Well, I was giving Miss Henrietta some scratch this morning and as she lifted up to eat I saw a egg. I picked it up and listened to it and it PEEPED, and Scratched on the shell!
Hopefully chicks soon!
and just a note, Scarlett is broody again..
Violet has hatched her 2nd chick, but the 3rd has not pipped and I didn't feel any movement or response when I scratched on the shell. The egg is very tiny, a serama/d'uccle mix so I thought it would hatch early.

How long should I leave it and how do I tell if it's vital or not?
Hello!! I'm sorry if I'm repeating any questions here, but this is a massive thread to try and go through! I've never had a broody hen before, and just under three weeks ago, my OEGB went broody. My mother-in-law gave me some large-sized eggs to put underneath her, in addition to the six eggs she was sitting on. I didn't expect any hatching until Sunday, and had planned to move her into a private pen area this afternoon. Much to my surprise, I found four chicks under her this morning! What's the best way to handle this? We've got the two other chickens we have locked out of the pen for now (which isn't a big deal - they'll range all day anyhow.) Should I try and move the brooding hen, the chicks, and the remaining eggs today, or is it better to let her go until I can see if the rest hatch?

Thanks for any help or advice!

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