Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

sorry to hear that any idea what it was ?

on a happier note we have a chick :)

and the other eggs is getting there i think mumma hen may have knocked the egg when moving it
Congrats on the chick! and thank you.
Oh no I'm so sorry. That must have been awful to find. Do you have a bator to put the remaining eggs into? Or another broody to take them? If you don't you can warm them in a yogurt maker or any variety of homemade ways.
Probably a raccoon?

I'm assuming it was a raccoon or a possum. The eggs were only under her for about 24 hours so I'm just going to put them in another nesting box and hope another hen goes broody. Think that would be okay? Since they probably didn't have time to really take anyways.
they are scots gray's .. cant seem to find to much info on the breed tho
im hoping they are hens lol
Well the hens and chicks are back in with the flock, went up tonight and they managed to get the chicks to bed and the two hens were cuddle up in a nest box with the chicks, so happy!, but to make me mad i found the sheep had got in the food shed and they ate my last 3kg of chick food!, I need to figure out how to feed the chicks the crumb with out the hens getting to it because i have heard alot of different opinions on laying hens eating chick crumb.
:p. Yeah, I'm like "Dad, I'm sleeping in Saturday. Sunday, I'm not!". :) :) :). I'm also really excited to see the bantam chicks. I've always wondered how big they'd be coming out of THAT small of an egg. I only have gotten full grown bantams :)

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