Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

This is a strong possibility. As hot as it's been, if the duck were clamped down on top of the heat the eggs would over heat. My girls are enjoying the liberty the temps are providing. Yes, they could be duds too - but don't be in such a hurry to write them off without checking.
For some reason, my phone didn't tell me there was an update to this thread. Anywho, I candled them and did not see any movement, and I don't think they were as big as they should have been at that stage of development. I'm kind of kicking myself now because had I thought if it sooner, I likely could have made a makeshift incubator for the last few days. Cest la vie. Anyway, one had definitely gone over so I tossed that one and let the other 3 sit for one more day just to make sure. Lo and behold, my boyfriend texted me the next morning on his way to work and said she was sitting on the nest. So that night I went back out to check and saw not 3 eggs, but 4. Since the others were completely cold at that point, I tossed them so she can start a new clutch. I think this time I'll be much more vigilant about checking the development of the eggs in the beginning and throw out the bad/clear ones earlier so she doesn't have a dozen and a half eggs she's trying to cover. You know what they say, 3rd time's the charm!

Thanks for all the help and advice, sorry I didn't see it sooner :(
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For some reason, my phone didn't tell me there was an update to this thread. Anywho, I candled them and did not see any movement, and I don't think they were as big as they should have been at that stage of development. I'm kind of kicking myself now because had I thought if it sooner, I likely could have made a makeshift incubator for the last few days. Cest la vie. Anyway, one had definitely gone over so I tossed that one and let the other 3 sit for one more day just to make sure. Lo and behold, my boyfriend texted me the next morning on his way to work and said she was sitting on the nest. So that night I went back out to check and saw not 3 eggs, but 4. Since the others were completely cold at that point, I tossed them so she can start a new clutch. I think this time I'll be much more vigilant about checking the development of the eggs in the beginning and throw out the bad/clear ones earlier so she doesn't have a dozen and a half eggs she's trying to cover. You know what they say, 3rd time's the charm!

Thanks for all the help and advice, sorry I didn't see it sooner
Sorry about the eggs, But there's still time and sounds like she is still willing, just make sure she isn't getting run down from all the brooding . If you haven't done it yet I'd get her some good poultry vitamins to add to her drinking water just to help keep her health tip top. Keep us updated when you can.

My babies are growing so fast! This was taken at 3 weeks! I let them socialize but only with me being there. The boys are sooooooo BAD and mean to them if I don't keep an eye on them. I keep them in the kennel most of the time and especially during the night but they always have food and fresh water and of course the PEAS
I just love the colors the yellow on the chest turned white with one and now the other one is completely black and then Stormy is just gorgeous!

My babies are growing so fast! This was taken at 3 weeks! I let them socialize but only with me being there. The boys are sooooooo BAD and mean to them if I don't keep an eye on them. I keep them in the kennel most of the time and especially during the night but they always have food and fresh water and of course the PEAS
I just love the colors the yellow on the chest turned white with one and now the other one is completely black and then Stormy is just gorgeous!
They are so pretty, I love all the awkwardness and color changes that go on with getting older.
Hi-- I was away for awhile for Family Vacation. Left my 1.5yr old Rouen sitting sporadically on 18 eggs. I had taken eggs away to get to that #! So I counted today while she was off the nest... And I stopped counting at 32!!! This is the same girl that I found hoarding 20+ back in the early Spring. Obviously she can't sit on 32, plus I know they won't all be at same stages of development... I thing she's got about 2 wks to go... So I'm thinking just leave her alone and see what she comes out with. I def don't want 32 ducklings anyway!
To further complicate things, my Khaki Campbell started sitting while I was away too.

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