Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition


I have not been this excited in, I don't know when!!!!! I have ducklings!!!!!!


I went to check on my girl, like always, and something was moving around her feet. Then I realized she was standing up and something was moving that wasn't her!! And then, there were a bunch of little things moving around her feets!!! And it hit me. I stood there, tried not to scream, ran inside and started dancing with my dog cause I'm SO flipping excited right now!!!!!!

I don't know how many there are, I think 5 at least. I'm trying to calm down before I go to try and steal pictures. I'm SO jazzed! (can you tell)

Congratulations. And if she is a protective momma, good luck counting. I had a broody hatch ducklings this past December. It was 2 weeks before I realized there were 13, not 12. She would attack me if I got to close.

My last broody that hatched almost 2 weeks ago, also had an egg explode under her. I went to find her and found an egg shell way down by the creek, she was bathing. I went to the nest and cleaned it up while she was bathing. Yuck! She got back on and hatched out 10. She is being a very good mom. She stomps her feet at me (which is actually really cute) and only goes further if I dare pick up her babies.

But I did have a hen that hatched out only 1 duckling 3 weeks ago. Apparently being mom to 1 was not good enough because she abandoned her baby. I found him under my other broody (described above) who accepted him even while setting.

I do have to add I GOT MY FIRST DUCK EGG IN 6 WEEKS TODAY!!!!!! They've all been on strike.

I have not been this excited in, I don't know when!!!!! I have ducklings!!!!!!


I went to check on my girl, like always, and something was moving around her feet. Then I realized she was standing up and something was moving that wasn't her!! And then, there were a bunch of little things moving around her feets!!! And it hit me. I stood there, tried not to scream, ran inside and started dancing with my dog cause I'm SO flipping excited right now!!!!!!

I don't know how many there are, I think 5 at least. I'm trying to calm down before I go to try and steal pictures. I'm SO jazzed! (can you tell)

Congrats... looking forward to pics..
Congratulations. And if she is a protective momma, good luck counting. I had a broody hatch ducklings this past December. It was 2 weeks before I realized there were 13, not 12. She would attack me if I got to close.

My last broody that hatched almost 2 weeks ago, also had an egg explode under her. I went to find her and found an egg shell way down by the creek, she was bathing. I went to the nest and cleaned it up while she was bathing. Yuck! She got back on and hatched out 10. She is being a very good mom. She stomps her feet at me (which is actually really cute) and only goes further if I dare pick up her babies.

But I did have a hen that hatched out only 1 duckling 3 weeks ago. Apparently being mom to 1 was not good enough because she abandoned her baby. I found him under my other broody (described above) who accepted him even while setting.

I do have to add I GOT MY FIRST DUCK EGG IN 6 WEEKS TODAY!!!!!! They've all been on strike.
Yay for an egg finally!!
Congrats... looking forward to pics..


Pictures have been uploaded!! She took em out for the first time today. They wouldn't follow her last night. She took them EVERYWHERE. It was precious. First in their closed off area. I then realized she wanted out, so I opened that up. She then took them to all the wateres, the back garden, around the rabbit pens, through the front of the backyard, to the compost bin, and then back to the nest. The other ducks are being sweethearts. My drake seems a little confused.

There are 16 (could only count with pictures, so there may be more, but not less) of them! One of them either has some very weak legs or something neuro wrong because it just can't keep up and kept falling over on its back. It'd scream and cry, so mom would run over, and stomp her feet. OMGoodness it was the funniest thing.


I'm so proud. Here's a peek of what I've uploaded.


Here's our Mini Silver Appleyard, Henrietta, sitting for her first time on 7 eggs. She'll only be a year old this July.
I candled one of the eggs today (Day 8) and it is developing normally. Yay!
She has been such a good broody, and her dear husband Woodward is a dutiful father.
I want to put a helmet and a mini toy gun on him when I see him pacing back and forth in front of their house. He charges at anything that comes near it.
That's exactly what my broodys hubby does! We've been calling him sarge
Congratulations. And if she is a protective momma, good luck counting. I had a broody hatch ducklings this past December. It was 2 weeks before I realized there were 13, not 12. She would attack me if I got to close.

My last broody that hatched almost 2 weeks ago, also had an egg explode under her. I went to find her and found an egg shell way down by the creek, she was bathing. I went to the nest and cleaned it up while she was bathing. Yuck! She got back on and hatched out 10. She is being a very good mom. She stomps her feet at me (which is actually really cute) and only goes further if I dare pick up her babies.

But I did have a hen that hatched out only 1 duckling 3 weeks ago. Apparently being mom to 1 was not good enough because she abandoned her baby. I found him under my other broody (described above) who accepted him even while setting.

I do have to add I GOT MY FIRST DUCK EGG IN 6 WEEKS TODAY!!!!!! They've all been on strike.
Yea on the egg!!!!!! It's amazing how exciting that is.

I wish the one that had the explode went back on. I waited 2 days and she wouldn't go near the nest. :( But, I've learned to be more diligent in collect eggs and in the future, will give them a bunch of fresh ones if I suspect broodiness is around the corner.
hey everyone,

My mallard, Fatty is expecting ducklings in 3 weeks!.
I found her secret nest in our garden last week with about 20 eggs in it. Unfortunately, a possum also found it, and the next morning there were only 8. After trying unsuccesfully to relocate her to the chicken coup and breaking another egg int the process, I managed to trick her into nesting in a pet-carrier. I felt sorry for her egg loss, (they had been the newer ones too) and gave her some goose eggs. So far she is taking the whole thing very seriously and I hope to have something hatch in 3-4 weeks.
hey everyone,

My mallard, Fatty is expecting ducklings in 3 weeks!.
I found her secret nest in our garden last week with about 20 eggs in it. Unfortunately, a possum also found it, and the next morning there were only 8. After trying unsuccesfully to relocate her to the chicken coup and breaking another egg int the process, I managed to trick her into nesting in a pet-carrier. I felt sorry for her egg loss, (they had been the newer ones too) and gave her some goose eggs. So far she is taking the whole thing very seriously and I hope to have something hatch in 3-4 weeks.
A Mallard hatching goose eggs now that will be interesting, are you going to let her raise them too? My Muscovy hatched a gosling and he was taller than her by 5 weeks old. Looking forward to seeing pics.
Ive got lots of eggs but nothing broody yet. I have ducks and geese laying daily. I have one goose nest and two duck nests. I have 3 female geese and 4 female ducks. As soon as a duck goes broody, I will move the rest to another pen and as soon as a goose goes broody, she gets a pen to herself too. Cant wait for them to start.
Ive got lots of eggs but nothing broody yet. I have ducks and geese laying daily. I have one goose nest and two duck nests. I have 3 female geese and 4 female ducks. As soon as a duck goes broody, I will move the rest to another pen and as soon as a goose goes broody, she gets a pen to herself too. Cant wait for them to start.
Always exciting when laying season comes around and the prospect of ducklings goslings and chicks. All the best and hope ya'll have a broody soon.

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