Old fashioned Broody Thread for Ducks

she was on 18 which I thought was a reasonable number for a Muscovy and seems to cover them all well, haven't had any roll out for a few days now so may candle again soon and see what's going on inside.
Where her nest is is where the others sleep at night too so maybe they disturbed here a bit and caused her to knock them out?
she was on 18 which I thought was a reasonable number for a Muscovy and seems to cover them all well, haven't had any roll out for a few days now so may candle again soon and see what's going on inside.
Where her nest is is where the others sleep at night too so maybe they disturbed here a bit and caused her to knock them out?
18 that's alot of eggs. going to be alot of ducklings. Look forward to hearing all about it too.
yes it is a good few, I think there might be a couple of unfertile ones though as last time I candled there were 2 that looked undeveloped + you never know how many will finally hatch... 6 are her own eggs and a Khaki Campbell Drake so will be sold as pets or used as table birds and 12 (now 11) are pure Khaki Campbell so they'll hopefully be ready to lay once our southern hemisphere spring comes - I'll sell a few of them too + maybe eat any extra drakes
We are starting to get a bit excited! another 2 weeks to go though
yes it is a good few, I think there might be a couple of unfertile ones though as last time I candled there were 2 that looked undeveloped + you never know how many will finally hatch... 6 are her own eggs and a Khaki Campbell Drake so will be sold as pets or used as table birds and 12 (now 11) are pure Khaki Campbell so they'll hopefully be ready to lay once our southern hemisphere spring comes - I'll sell a few of them too + maybe eat any extra drakes
We are starting to get a bit excited! another 2 weeks to go though
Your just now going into fall right and already talking about spring
I hope you'll post back when they begin to hatch, and I think being cautious can sure be a good idea when ducklings are so young at first and this way everyone gets to meet and greet with out any one getting hurt.
Momma duck has been off her nest almost all day today! I checked the eggs and they feel rather cold... not as cold as eggs that haven't been sat on, but still pretty cold
It's so strange to me that she has seemingly abandoned her nest so close to when they should be hatching! Have any of you had this happen? Is there any way to encourage her to get back on the nest? And if so, do y'all think there's any way they could still be alive? Earlier I tried to coax her back to the nest with some food, but she just walked off to forage!

I'm really bummed, as I was looking forward to having some duck-raised ducklings. Thank you all for your advice so far. I'm so glad I found this thread, even if this batch doesn't hatch... hopefully we'll get another broody duck soon.
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Momma duck has been off her nest almost all day today! I checked the eggs and they feel rather cold... not as cold as eggs that haven't been sat on, but still pretty cold
It's so strange to me that she has seemingly abandoned her nest so close to when they should be hatching! Have any of you had this happen? Is there any way to encourage her to get back on the nest? And if so, do y'all think there's any way they could still be alive? Earlier I tried to coax her back to the nest with some food, but she just walked off to forage!

I'm really bummed, as I was looking forward to having some duck-raised ducklings. Thank you all for your advice so far. I'm so glad I found this thread, even if this batch doesn't hatch... hopefully we'll get another broody duck soon.
Did she ever go back to the nest? you could try closing her in, doesn't always work. Could something have scared her? as far as the eggs go if they haven't laid all day and night now they may still be okay, do you have an incubator? or borrow one?
Lots of things can go wonky with broody moms, sometimes they give up. :( I had one gal last year that didn't sit much, yet she hatched out 6... It was quite warm then tho. Not sure what's up with your broody. I think I'd keep an eye on her and try confining her a bit, like ML suggested.

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