Old fashioned Broody Thread for Ducks

Hi guys,
Just thought I would give you's an update!! So we now have four little ducks (in the house!!)
The first little one was so delighted to have some friends!! When the next ones came along we tried to put them all under mum and separate her and the babies from the other ducks but unfortunately it was not meant to be as mum just wanted back in with the others and back to her own house. We still have three littles ones to hatch (I think they'll be here tomorrow) and once they come along we will try to devise a plan after that. Just wondering if there is any chance once all the eggs have hatched if mummy duck will take any interest in mothering them then? Probably just wishing thinking!! Thanks so much to @MissLydia, the mirror worked a treat when the wee one was just by there self and @tmorgan46 for your advice, hopefully the little ones will be integrated soon enough!! Funny reading your message as our first little duckling is called Uno too :)
Thanks again guys, will let you know what happens.xx
Hi guys,
Just thought I would give you's an update!! So we now have four little ducks (in the house!!)
The first little one was so delighted to have some friends!! When the next ones came along we tried to put them all under mum and separate her and the babies from the other ducks but unfortunately it was not meant to be as mum just wanted back in with the others and back to her own house. We still have three littles ones to hatch (I think they'll be here tomorrow) and once they come along we will try to devise a plan after that. Just wondering if there is any chance once all the eggs have hatched if mummy duck will take any interest in mothering them then? Probably just wishing thinking!! Thanks so much to @MissLydia, the mirror worked a treat when the wee one was just by there self and @tmorgan46 for your advice, hopefully the little ones will be integrated soon enough!! Funny reading your message as our first little duckling is called Uno too

Thanks again guys, will let you know what happens.xx
Well I am happy Uno finally has some friends to snuggle with. Sorry mom doesn't seem interested if she isn't now she won't even recognize them as hers when the rest hatch. Soon you'll have 7 you'll need a very large brooder you know how fast they grow. But the weather is nice so it's a great time of year to have ducklings, take them outside on nice warm days and let everyone see them,with supervision of course that way when the time comes it will help them get integrated into the flock easier.Post pics when you can.Congrats on the hatch!!
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My first broody, Blanche hatched 20 eggs. My second broody, Bell was sitting on eggs but something got them not long after Blanche's hatched. Bell seems to think some of Blanche's babies are hers even though Blanche runs her off. This evening the babies got separated from both of them and I held one of the babies while reuniting them. Bell came after me like a mad momma. I was shocked. Should I separate her from Blanche and her babies? Is this normal for a girl that didn't hatch babies?
My first broody, Blanche hatched 20 eggs. My second broody, Bell was sitting on eggs but something got them not long after Blanche's hatched. Bell seems to think some of Blanche's babies are hers even though Blanche runs her off. This evening the babies got separated from both of them and I held one of the babies while reuniting them. Bell came after me like a mad momma. I was shocked. Should I separate her from Blanche and her babies? Is this normal for a girl that didn't hatch babies?
How far along in her brood was she when the eggs got taken? she probably feels motherly and as long as she isn't hurting anything I'd just let her finish out her run, Those hormones have to get sorted. I gave up trying to break any of my broody's Muscovy or Chicken I just let it run the course. So I'd think Bell needs to get over losing her eggs too.

How far along in her brood was she when the eggs got taken? she probably feels motherly and as long as she isn't hurting anything I'd just let her finish out her run, Those hormones have to get sorted. I gave up trying to break any of my broody's Muscovy or Chicken I just let it run the course. So I'd think Bell needs to get over losing her eggs too.

It was a week at the most. I've got girls with hormones outside and a big boy with butt problems inside, lol. I will let her be. I'm worried if she will ever sit again? My third broody, Babe is sitting on 13 due to hatch in about 2 weeks.
It was a week at the most. I've got girls with hormones outside and a big boy with butt problems inside, lol. I will let her be. I'm worried if she will ever sit again? My third broody, Babe is sitting on 13 due to hatch in about 2 weeks.
I'd be real surprised if she didn't Muscovy's live for brooding. Is she scovy? How is big boy with butt problems doing today? or should we keep that o n the other thread. lol
I'd be real surprised if she didn't Muscovy's live for brooding. Is she scovy? How is big boy with butt problems doing today? or should we keep that o n the other thread. lol
Yes, she is scovy. I just love this breed more and more everyday. Big boy is much better. I just posted over there as a matter of fact
My poor Cyuga has been sitting for well over a month like a dutiful momma she babies and protects her nest only comes off once a day to eat potty and bath. Will hiss at anyone that comes to close. I candled her eggs about 2-3 weeks ago and they were about 20 to 25 days ish.
I finally took the chance and candled again yesterday and there has been absolutely no progress. One egg is missing I assumed that the one that was rolled away and consumed was for another ducks nest. I was wrong.
Either way she has not abandoned the nest or rolled any more away and won't come off but still once a day. I am not sure how to proceed the poor thing tried so hard.
1) what could have happened so far along? Could it have been the outside heat?
2) how to help her moving forward? Take them and remove her nest? Let her figure it out?
She is only a little over a year old this season her first try at it.
My poor Cyuga has been sitting for well over a month like a dutiful momma she babies and protects her nest only comes off once a day to eat potty and bath. Will hiss at anyone that comes to close. I candled her eggs about 2-3 weeks ago and they were about 20 to 25 days ish.
I finally took the chance and candled again yesterday and there has been absolutely no progress. One egg is missing I assumed that the one that was rolled away and consumed was for another ducks nest. I was wrong.
Either way she has not abandoned the nest or rolled any more away and won't come off but still once a day. I am not sure how to proceed the poor thing tried so hard.
1) what could have happened so far along? Could it have been the outside heat?
2) how to help her moving forward? Take them and remove her nest? Let her figure it out?
She is only a little over a year old this season her first try at it.
Bless her heart. Do you have any other eggs you can put under her? Those she has now really need to be removed before they bust and contaminate everything. It's hard to say what could have happened. The last few days of incubating are the hardest on the baby duck. Best to eggtopsy to see if any pipped internally, turned to pip or mal formed. I would remove the eggs, leave the nest and just let her hormones run their course. Sorry for your losses

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