Old hen with lump on the right of her hock? Any help is appreciated

Feb 5, 2022
I've been wanting to make a thread about this hen for a while now just haven't gotten around to making one until now.
This hens name is Pearl.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Hen, about 9 years old, don't entirely know breed. She's about her normal weight she does feel thinner than she should be.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
I noticed today that she was the last one to come out of the coop, she ate like shes supposed to and has been making normal chicken sounds but she acts a little slower than usual and has been acting disoriented or cant seem to move properly she was sort of running into things. She's acting for the most part normal but she does seem a little off.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
I think maybe since yesterday but today it's been more noticeable if she was even acting weird yesterday.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
Not from what I've observed everyone seems normal.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
About 5 days ago I think, she got pecked or something. For a couple days she had and still kind of has some purple on her waddle where I assume she must have gotten grabbed there by another chickens beak.
I couldn't get very good pictures when I was out there I will get some better ones in a bit.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
I can't really think of one specific thing there's lots of things I think could be causing this.
Although last week she was adamant on going into the breezewat and I assume she wanted to lay eggs in there, I think she might possibly just need to lay an egg and she just cant find a spot that she likes and is allowed to be in.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
They were on country companion all flock when we ran out and had to get more murdochs didn't have any more of that feed at the time so we had to get some all flock by nature wise which has oregano stuff in it. And is also a crumble instead of pellets, I wet their feed everyday so there's no dust and less wasted feed.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
I haven't seen very much of her poop today but it looks normal for the most part.
And her but feathers are poopy to they aren't as bad as they were before she cleaned them.
(Pictures of her feathers will be at the bottom of the post)

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Can't do vet so treat it myself.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
The lump on her right foot is squishy and she doesn't like me touching it, it's been there for maybe a year or two now I don't really know when or how and why it's there or what it is.


12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
Here is a link to a thread about my coop I don't feel like describing the coop in detail right now.


The coop is too small for all my birds and the ventilation is poor, I've been keeping two less ducks in it at night but last night and a night a week or so before then those two ducks slept in the coop and I feel like that's when she got the what's now scabs on her comb and waddles.

Here are some more photos of her.
She has cross beak or whatever it's called.


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So she acts like she doesn't have good depth perception. She was hopping down from a cinder block just now and she tried finding a lower part of it (there was none) she almost stepped down on accident and acted like she was going to fall from something high up.
I think her biggest issue is depth perception or something, I don't really think she has much wrong with her at least nothing super serious at the moment.

She acted like this was some kind of big leap and she wasn't comfortable with actually taking the "leap".


Of course the rooster didn't help her any.

What should I use to clean peck wounds on combs? And should I clean all of my chickens combs even if they don't have any wounds on them? I feel like some of them have just really dirty combs and stuff.

@Wyorp Rock @azygous


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Peck wounds are so common, you'd be messing with combs every day. Combs heal lightening fast, so no treatment is really necessary unless a comb has been ripped off the head. Yeah. It can happen.

My hen that had a tumor on her head finally had to be euthanized. Her quality of life had come to a dead end.

Your hen just needs to adjust to her limitations and you will, also. Observe her. Watch to see where she can use your help and where she can learn to adjust. The most important things are food and water, of course. You will need to help her with those by making sure they are always in the same place so she doesn't need to hunt for them. You may need to give her an assist when it comes to getting up and down from the perch or in and out of the coop.

She may feel too vulnerable going out of the coop or run. Take your cues from her. It will become apparent where she needs your help.
Peck wounds are so common, you'd be messing with combs every day. Combs heal lightening fast, so no treatment is really necessary unless a comb has been ripped off the head. Yeah. It can happen.

My hen that had a tumor on her head finally had to be euthanized. Her quality of life had come to a dead end.

Your hen just needs to adjust to her limitations and you will, also. Observe her. Watch to see where she can use your help and where she can learn to adjust. The most important things are food and water, of course. You will need to help her with those by making sure they are always in the same place so she doesn't need to hunt for them. You may need to give her an assist when it comes to getting up and down from the perch or in and out of the coop.

She may feel too vulnerable going out of the coop or run. Take your cues from her. It will become apparent where she needs your help.
Well said.
I feel like cleaning the peck wounds on Pearls face is a really good idea, I just don't really know what to use to clean them, so advice on that would be helpful.

Pearls been hanging out in the coop a lot, yesterday I took her out of the coop and she stayed out for a while and did her normal chicken things for the most part.

I noticed that she seems to have a harder time getting the food completely down right away, at least that's what I think was going, as after she had eaten quit a bit the movements she made were almost like she was drinking water. If that makes any sense. And when she's been eating yesterday and today I'll hear stomach sounds (that's the I can describe it) like it reminds me of the sounds two of my other hens (Ethel & Broken toe) made that had crop issues and just weren't eating.

Her crop has been feeling normalish it doesn't feel like it should, after eating it seems really squishy and not like the other hens crops feel when they've had their fill.
I've tried feeling her neck but she pulls away a lot when I do that and her feathers make it hard to determine what's what. (I wanted to feel her neck to tell if food is going down properly and to check for possible swelling possible lumps or bumps, which I don't think there's any)

She started pecking my shoe (more like hitting the top of her beak against it) and scratching the ground a little bit. I cant tell if she thought my shoe had food on it or if she was just pecking it for whatever reason she wanted to peck it for.
She did the scratching here and there when she was eating out of the bowl with the wet feed in it but not very much and she mostly had one of her feet on the edge of the bowl.
I'm really worried about her, I don't want to lose another hen and I don't want her to be uncomfortable, I feel like she's doing great right now but as we all know that can change real fast if something serious is causing her current issues.
This is her vent feathers from today, these don't really show the poop very well but basically the poop is the color that shows up when chickens not been eating.

That's food on her beak, the peck wound by the back of her beak looks quit uncomfortable though and I really want to clean in the hoes maybe (doubt it) will help her get better in some way.
When Pearl stands still and stares at something her head will slowly move backwards.

What do you think could be going on with her?


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I feel like cleaning the peck wounds on Pearls face is a really good idea, I just don't really know what to use to clean them, so advice on that would be helpful.

I feel like she's doing great right now but as we all know that can change real fast if something serious is causing her current issues.
I would be extremely hesitant to start picking at and cleaning her peck wounds. They look to be scabbed over well and healing. They will eventually dry up and fall off.

My hens will pick and pull at my shoes too, especially when they've been eating wet food. I think they are wiping their beaks off (my shoe is a chicken napkin!:D) Sometimes it could be a peck of familiarity too.

You don't need to feel her neck right when she's been eating. The neck is not telling you anything anyway. You want to check her crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat or drink. You're familiar with that task. Just run your hand down her breast and quickly feel her crop. You should be able to tell.

If she's doing great right now, then I'd just monitor. Let her enjoy her days being out with the flock getting sunshine and fresh air. As hens get older, they do spend time lounging about, but if she's eating/drinking and moving about a little that's good.
I would be extremely hesitant to start picking at and cleaning her peck wounds. They look to be scabbed over well and healing. They will eventually dry up and fall off.

My hens will pick and pull at my shoes too, especially when they've been eating wet food. I think they are wiping their beaks off (my shoe is a chicken napkin!:D) Sometimes it could be a peck of familiarity too.

You don't need to feel her neck right when she's been eating. The neck is not telling you anything anyway. You want to check her crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat or drink. You're familiar with that task. Just run your hand down her breast and quickly feel her crop. You should be able to tell.

If she's doing great right now, then I'd just monitor. Let her enjoy her days being out with the flock getting sunshine and fresh air. As hens get older, they do spend time lounging about, but if she's eating/drinking and moving about a little that's good.
Okay, I never paid much mind to peck wounds on the comb and waddles before so I wasn't sure if it's good to clean them or not.
I haven't really been checking her crop right off the bat but I don't think she eats much in the time it takes for me to be able to check it.
I feel like she's not been drinking much, at least when I tried offering her water after she was done eating she didn't drink any she didn't want to or couldn't tell water was there. I try to move and tap the water to get her attention on it and it doesn't really work, I see her drink some sometimes so I know she's drinking just maybe not as well or as often as she used to.
I guess there's not much that needs to be done right now, when I made my last post I had practically just got back inside from feeding her and seeing her not act right had me over reacting a little bit.
Im going to keep a close eye on her like I've been doing and make sure she gets food and water.
Oh, and just so you im not sure if this info is needed but she is not laying as far as I know.
Pearl, is still doing the same thing as she was in the last few posts, I think she might be a little better though.
And the peck wounds are all healed up now!

I've been letting her eat from a deep bowl of food, away from everyone else (Rose and Turkey hen eat with her a lot too)
Here is a few photos of Pearl eating out of the bowl, a little more then a week ago I think it was.

(Rose, is a blue swedish duck of mine who has a deformed bill. And Turkey/Turkey hen is blind in one eye)

I hope everyone reading this has a good day
Pearl, is still doing the same thing as she was in the last few posts, I think she might be a little better though.
And the peck wounds are all healed up now!

I've been letting her eat from a deep bowl of food, away from everyone else (Rose and Turkey hen eat with her a lot too)
Here is a few photos of Pearl eating out of the bowl, a little more then a week ago I think it was.
View attachment 3175945View attachment 3175946

(Rose, is a blue swedish duck of mine who has a deformed bill. And Turkey/Turkey hen is blind in one eye)

I hope everyone reading this has a good day
Look at Miss Pearl! ❤️
I think she's looking better and she did heal up ok!
Glad to hear she's hanging in there.

I hope you are having a good day too🤗

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