Old Hen


16 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Roanoke, VA
Good morning ladies,
I have an old lady hen that should be close to 6 years old now (one of the last of my pandemic chickens) that is really not doing well. It breaks my heart to see her like this, all balled up with her eyes closed, distanced from the rest of the flock. Just wanted to know how you all handle this with your flocks? I don’t treat my ladies like pets … they aren’t pets. They are treated very well, but they are livestock. It’s pulling at my heartstrings whether I should go and remove her from the flock and give her the space and comfort to pass or should I cull her instead. Just wanted some group encouragement 😥
Hi hun
In the past most of my girls have died in my arms (old age) except those who’ve died through third party intervention.
My girls are pets and when I see they are on their way I usually end up sitting with them. Having said that I did take one to a poultry farmer friend who despatched her for me, she was in pain.
Do you know anyone who may be able to despatch her for you ?
I have heard that an overdose of something but perhaps someone else can help with that,
Bonne chance,
I should go and remove her from the flock and give her the space and comfort to pass or should I cull her instead.
I won't let birds dies slowly (or alone) in my presence if that's already their fate.. I will help them make the transition.

The choice is never easy.

Getting into my 50's.. aging also isn't always kind.. and immunity is often compromised.. compared to what youth was. I hope my family doesn't drag it out if I don't "go" quickly. They already know this.

Her quality of life is gone already.. as indicated by the behavior described. that's not "living". If there is any chance to recover or I could identify an issue that would restore quality of life.. then of course that would be the first choice.

Sorry you both are facing this. :hugs
I won't let birds dies slowly (or alone) in my presence if that's already their fate.. I will help them make the transition.

The choice is never easy.

Getting into my 50's.. aging also isn't always kind.. and immunity is often compromised.. compared to what youth was. I hope my family doesn't drag it out if I don't "go" quickly. They already know this.

Her quality of life is gone already.. as indicated by the behavior described. that's not "living". If there is any chance to recover or I could identify an issue that would restore quality of life.. then of course that would be the first choice.

Sorry you both are facing this. :hugs
I totally understand your comment and I never intend to let my birds suffer as they die, how do you despatch your hens when the time comes ?
Hi hun
In the past most of my girls have died in my arms (old age) except those who’ve died through third party intervention.
My girls are pets and when I see they are on their way I usually end up sitting with them. Having said that I did take one to a poultry farmer friend who despatched her for me, she was in pain.
Do you know anyone who may be able to despatch her for you ?
I have heard that an overdose of something but perhaps someone else can help with that,
Bonne chance,
I can cull a chicken myself, it’s just so sad 😞. I worry that r there is something else I could do to help her … maybe even revive her and by culling her, I would be cutting her life short. I do not have any vet near by who treats poultry so it’s up to me 🤷🏼
Ok, so what do you suggest? I separated her from the flock in a small cage. I don’t know what else to do. Like I said before, there are no vets who treat poultry around here 😥

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