Old people think they know everything.............

Now, now, now....lets not have prejudice against anyone over 30
... If you live to be old enough, you will find, that stubbornness is not just an "old person trait". It's a personality trait shared by many, "you know what you know"' and no one can tell you different, usually because of a fear of looking stupid or worthless, etc. Often people accept things at face value and never research or verify to see if it's true or if it's mostly true, or not true at all...... There are gems of wisdom and knowledge to be gained form many people, but you have to dig and search and recognize them when you find them.
A know it all can never be taught anything , wisdom does come with age and learning , those of you who know it all are ignorant to those of us who do ! Age should be respected , not rejected weather it's wrong or right , rather taken with a grain of salt . A few things that I grew up with , some true , some not so true ......you figure it out .
I remember being young and frustrated with older people who didn't have the same enthusiasm and knowledge as I had. Then suddenly (at least it seems that way), I'm in my 60s - and I'm one of the "older" people. No matter how much you enjoy each stage of your life and no matter how much you treasure the time, old age gets here much too quickly.
Ignorance has nothing to do with age.

My mother, who is in her 90's, is a computer whiz. She's a computer expert because she was interested and took the time to learn.

I've known plenty of teenagers who are dumber than red bricks because they absolutely refuse to learn anything.

If someone's granny is ignorant about poultry, it is because she has declined to learn. It's not because she is older. I think that if you look around you can find plenty of young people who think they know everything about poultry but are really dumb about it. Don't know enough to realize that they don't know anything.

How about all those people who will only eat eggs from the grocery store, or the ones who think you can't have eggs without a roster. Hear about them on BYC all the time and they aren't anyone's granny.
Everyone is dumb.It's just that some people are smarter in some areas than others.I will never know it all,but I have learned alot in the 57 years of my life.I have alot of knowledges that I want to share,but only to the ones that want to learn.A 57 year old man will have more knowledges than an 18 year old,but that doesn't mean the 18 year old is dumb.What makes that 18 year old dumb is the fact that they don't want to hear what the 57 year old has to say and prove them dumb.I try to listen to the younger ones,but when they talk as they know it all,I then have nothing to teach them.There are some smart youngsters in the word that do want to learn and listen.Those I can have an intelligent conversation with.I do listen to the young.If they come out of their mouth right I can handle it.If you can discuss different things that is what gives you wisdom.Old and young need to have conversations with an open mind
Its the ones that think they know everything and won't admit it if they made a mistake that make me want to pull my hair out.

Yeah, I know a lot of people like that. Most of them are far younger than me though.

Sourland who is old because of his years and bald because of the Youngers.
The day you stop learning things, is the day you should be dead... not before.
I'm 38 and i still learn things daily... ;)
The older I get, the more precious my Dad's stories become. He grew up in a very poor family of 9 children and he was the oldest boy. When he was young the old people were from the 1850's and up. He knew former slaves and civil war veterans, and he remembers some of the stories they would tell.

One of my favorite stories comes from the depression era in western KY, and people were poor and food was scarce at times. It seems a neighbor man died while field dressing a rabbit. When he was found dead with the half dressed rabbit, people assumed the rabbit was the cause of death. Even though people in the area were hungry...nobody would risk dying of rabbit fever. All the deer in the area disappeared, but rabbits remained plentiful and untouched.

Even though I am getting "older" my Dad's words still ring true, "when you think you know everything, keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open, you might learn something."

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