Older chicken limping .


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2021
At least 10 y/o chicken. New limp. Soft pouch on bottom of foot. No cuts seen. Wondering if chickens get gout? Eating well.
At least 10 y/o chicken. New limp. Soft pouch on bottom of foot. No cuts seen. Wondering if chickens get gout? Eating well.
walter skinner picture GIF
Can you post pic of foot? Is it possible she has bumblefoot?
It’s a soft delayed spingey area in missdle of foot.
I gave her some arnica(homeopathy)and it seemed to help a bit!
Pho pro attached.


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At least 10 y/o chicken. New limp. Soft pouch on bottom of foot. No cuts seen. Wondering if chickens get gout? Eating well.
It’s soft and spongy and a bit deflated
It’s a soft delayed spingey area in missdle of foot.
I gave her some arnica(homeopathy)and it seemed to help a bit!
Pho pro attached.

It does look like her foot pad may be a bit puffy.
If the arnica helped, then that may be something to consider giving in small amounts. I don't know much about homeopathy.

If you feel like inflammation is an issue- you can try soaking the feet in a warm epsom salts bath daily to see if that helps too.

At a ripe old age 10yrs it could be a number of things, from just a bit of an injury to arthritis...chickens can have Gout as well, but to me it doesn't look like that's what's going on - here's what Gout looks like https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/gout-swollen-feet-toe-deforming.1458820/

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